How to add RSS Feed and Sitemap to Django project?


The incorporation of web components like Sitemaps and RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Feeds can provide a multitude of benefits such as enhancing user accessibility, augmenting website content consumption, and improving search engine performance. Developers can leverage Django to streamline the process of constructing web applications, resulting in the creation of websites that are exceptionally effective and user-friendly.

What is RSS and Sitemap?

RSS Feeds are XML files that include summaries of the material on a website, like article headlines and descriptions. Users may simply get the material without visiting the website by reading these files using RSS readers. On the other hand, sitemaps are XML files that include a list of every page on a website. They assist increase the website's exposure on search engine results pages by allowing search engines to crawl and index the site (SERPs). The visibility and user experience of a website may be considerably enhanced by adding RSS Feeds and Sitemaps to a Django project.

Steps to Add a RSS and a Sitemap to a Django Project

To add RSS Feeds and Sitemaps to a Django project, we need to follow these steps −

  • Install the Django package −

pip install django
  • Start a Django Project

django-admin startproject example
  • Run the development server from your local machine

python runserver
  • Start a new app to show the RSS and Sitemap

python startapp dj-app
  • python makemigrations python migrate

At this point, there will be three files already created in the app project directory “dj-app”. We are going to modify the file, file and the file to get the desired result.

  • Add 'django.contrib.syndication' and 'django.contrib.sitemaps' to the INSTALLED_APPS list in the file

  • In the file create a class for the RSS Feed that inherits from the Django syndication feed class −

from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed

class MyFeed(Feed):
   title = "TutorialsPoint"
   link = "/blog/"
   description = "A TutorialsPoint Example of RSS and Sitemap"

   def items(self):
      return BlogPost.objects.order_by('-published')[:5]

   def item_title(self, item):
      return item.title

   def item_description(self, item):
      return item.body

   def item_link(self, item):
      return reverse('blog_post', args=[item.slug])
  • Create a URL pattern for the RSS Feed −

from django.urls import path
from .feeds import MyFeed

urlpatterns = [
   path('feed/', MyFeed(), name='feed'),
  • Create a class for the Sitemap that inherits from the Django sitemap class −

from django.contrib.sitemaps import Sitemap
from django.urls import reverse

class MySitemap(Sitemap):
   changefreq = "weekly"
   priority = 0.5

   def items(self):
      return [HomeView, AboutView, ContactView, BlogPostView]

   def location(self, item):
      return reverse(item)
  • Create a URL pattern for the Sitemap in

from django.contrib.sitemaps.views import sitemap
from .sitemaps import MySitemap

sitemaps = {
   'pages': MySitemap(),

urlpatterns = [
   path('sitemap.xml', sitemap, {'sitemaps': sitemaps}, name='django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap'),

Let us dive into the specifics of the steps illustrated above −

The code imports necessary packages and modules from Django, including Feed, Sitemap, and reverse.

  • Define a class called MyFeed, which extends the Feed class, and sets the title, link, and description of the RSS feed.

  • The items method is defined in the MyFeed class, which returns the latest 5 blog posts sorted by their published date.

  • The item_title, item_description, and item_link methods are also defined in the MyFeed class to retrieve the title, body, and slug of each blog post.

  • The MySitemap class is also defined, which extends the Sitemap class and sets the changefreq and priority of the sitemap.

  • The items method in the MySitemap class returns a list of URLs for the home page, about page, contact page, and blog post page.

  • The location method in the MySitemap class is defined to return the URL for each item in the list by calling the reverse function with the item as an argument.


This post demonstrates a technique for incorporating an RSS feed and sitemap into web applications created with Django. The technique involves defining classes MyFeed and MySitemap, which are extensions of Feed and Sitemap classes, respectively. These classes provide relevant information and connections to the most recent blog posts and web pages, enabling the creation of a sitemap and RSS feed for a website. The MyFeed class provides the title, text, and slug of the most recent five blog articles, arranged by the date they were published. The MySitemap class uses the reverse method to acquire URLs for the website's main page, about page, and other relevant pages to get URLs for each item. This example illustrates how Django can be used to create efficient functionality for online applications like sitemaps and RSS feeds.

Updated on: 21-Aug-2023


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