How to add proportion total at margins on a table in R?

The proportion total in a table helps us to understand the contribution of each row and each column in the total. Therefore, if we want to find the proportion total at margins, we can use addmargins function if we have the proportion table and if we do not have that table then firstly it needs to be created and then use the addmargins function. For example, if we have a proportion table called prop then the command will be addmargins(prop).


Consider the below table of proportions −

Live Demo

> x1<-rpois(5,2)
> x2<-rpois(5,2)
> x3<-rpois(5,2)
> x4<-rpois(5,2)
> x5<-rpois(5,2)
> x6<-rpois(5,2)
> x7<-rpois(5,2)
> x8<-rpois(5,2)
> table1<-prop.table(rbind(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8))
> table1


         [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]       [,5]
x1 0.07692308 0.01538462 0.01538462 0.00000000 0.06153846
x2 0.01538462 0.01538462 0.03076923 0.01538462 0.01538462
x3 0.00000000 0.01538462 0.01538462 0.01538462 0.01538462
x4 0.06153846 0.00000000 0.07692308 0.00000000 0.03076923
x5 0.06153846 0.01538462 0.03076923 0.03076923 0.00000000
x6 0.03076923 0.06153846 0.03076923 0.01538462 0.01538462
x7 0.00000000 0.04615385 0.00000000 0.01538462 0.03076923
x8 0.04615385 0.01538462 0.00000000 0.01538462 0.04615385

Adding margins to table1 −

> addmargins(table1)


x1  0.07692308 0.01538462 0.01538462 0.00000000 0.06153846 0.16923077
x2  0.01538462 0.01538462 0.03076923 0.01538462 0.01538462 0.09230769
x3  0.00000000 0.01538462 0.01538462 0.01538462 0.01538462 0.06153846
x4  0.06153846 0.00000000 0.07692308 0.00000000 0.03076923 0.16923077
x5  0.06153846 0.01538462 0.03076923 0.03076923 0.00000000 0.13846154
x6  0.03076923 0.06153846 0.03076923 0.01538462 0.01538462 0.15384615
x7  0.00000000 0.04615385 0.00000000 0.01538462 0.03076923 0.09230769
x8  0.04615385 0.01538462 0.00000000 0.01538462 0.04615385 0.12307692
Sum 0.29230769 0.18461538 0.20000000 0.10769231 0.21538462 1.00000000


Live Demo

> y1<-rpois(20,4)
> y2<-rpois(20,4)
> y3<-rpois(20,4)
> df_y<-data.frame(y1,y2,y3)
> df_y


   y1 y2 y3
1   6  3  4
2   6  6  8
3   4  3  5
4   5  6  3
5   2  3  1
6   4  4  5
7   2  4  7
8   2  1  3
9   8  6  6
10  2  5  4
11  3  7  1
12  3  3  4
13  6  4  3
14  4  3  1
15  2  3  2
16  2  1  6
17  4  5  2
18  4  5  3
19  7  6  5
20  3  5  3


> table2<-prop.table(as.matrix(df_y))
> table2


               y1          y2          y3
 [1,] 0.025210084 0.012605042 0.016806723
 [2,] 0.025210084 0.025210084 0.033613445
 [3,] 0.016806723 0.012605042 0.021008403
 [4,] 0.021008403 0.025210084 0.012605042
 [5,] 0.008403361 0.012605042 0.004201681
 [6,] 0.016806723 0.016806723 0.021008403
 [7,] 0.008403361 0.016806723 0.029411765
 [8,] 0.008403361 0.004201681 0.012605042
 [9,] 0.033613445 0.025210084 0.025210084
[10,] 0.008403361 0.021008403 0.016806723
[11,] 0.012605042 0.029411765 0.004201681
[12,] 0.012605042 0.012605042 0.016806723
[13,] 0.025210084 0.016806723 0.012605042
[14,] 0.016806723 0.012605042 0.004201681
[15,] 0.008403361 0.012605042 0.008403361
[16,] 0.008403361 0.004201681 0.025210084
[17,] 0.016806723 0.021008403 0.008403361
[18,] 0.016806723 0.021008403 0.012605042
[19,] 0.029411765 0.025210084 0.021008403
[20,] 0.012605042 0.021008403 0.012605042

Adding margins to table2 −

> addmargins(table2)


             y1          y2          y3        Sum
    0.025210084 0.012605042 0.016806723 0.05462185
    0.025210084 0.025210084 0.033613445 0.08403361
    0.016806723 0.012605042 0.021008403 0.05042017
    0.021008403 0.025210084 0.012605042 0.05882353
    0.008403361 0.012605042 0.004201681 0.02521008
    0.016806723 0.016806723 0.021008403 0.05462185
    0.008403361 0.016806723 0.029411765 0.05462185
    0.008403361 0.004201681 0.012605042 0.02521008
    0.033613445 0.025210084 0.025210084 0.08403361
    0.008403361 0.021008403 0.016806723 0.04621849
    0.012605042 0.029411765 0.004201681 0.04621849
    0.012605042 0.012605042 0.016806723 0.04201681
    0.025210084 0.016806723 0.012605042 0.05462185
    0.016806723 0.012605042 0.004201681 0.03361345
    0.008403361 0.012605042 0.008403361 0.02941176
    0.008403361 0.004201681 0.025210084 0.03781513
    0.016806723 0.021008403 0.008403361 0.04621849
    0.016806723 0.021008403 0.012605042 0.05042017
    0.029411765 0.025210084 0.021008403 0.07563025
    0.012605042 0.021008403 0.012605042 0.04621849
Sum 0.331932773 0.348739496 0.319327731 1.00000000

Updated on: 05-Mar-2021


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