How to Add New Fonts in Fedora

Fedora is a popular operating system that is known for its stability, security, and user-friendly interface. One of the many features that make Fedora stand out from other operating systems is the ability to add new fonts easily. Fonts play an important role in the overall look and feel of an operating system. In this article, we will discuss how to add new fonts in Fedora.

Why Add New Fonts in Fedora?

Fedora comes with a good collection of fonts, but sometimes you may need to install new fonts to use in your project or to enhance the look of your desktop. New fonts can add a personal touch to your documents, presentations, and projects. Additionally, certain fonts are used for specific purposes, such as coding or graphic design, and adding new fonts can improve your workflow.

Finding New Fonts

Before we begin, you need to find new fonts to install on your system. There are several websites where you can download fonts for free or purchase them. Some popular websites include −

  • Google Fonts

  • Font Squirrel

  • DaFont

  • 1001 Fonts

Once you have downloaded the font files, you can proceed to install them on your Fedora system.

Installing Fonts in Fedora

There are two ways to install fonts in Fedora: using the GNOME Font Viewer or using the Terminal. We will discuss both methods below.

Using the GNOME Font Viewer

The GNOME Font Viewer is a graphical user interface that allows you to install and manage fonts on your Fedora system. Here's how to use it −

  • Open the GNOME Font Viewer by clicking on the "Activities" button in the top left corner of your screen and searching for "Font Viewer."

  • Once the GNOME Font Viewer is open, click on the "Install" button in the top right corner of the window.

  • Browse to the location where you saved the font files and select them. You can select multiple font files at once by holding down the "Ctrl" key while clicking on them.

  • Click on the "Install" button to install the selected fonts.

  • Once the installation is complete, you can close the GNOME Font Viewer.

Using the Terminal

If you prefer using the Terminal, you can install fonts using the "dnf" command. Here's how −

Open the Terminal by clicking on the "Activities" button in the top left corner of your screen and searching for "Terminal."

Type the following command to install the Font Manager −

sudo dnf install font-manager

Once Font Manager is installed, type the following command to install the fonts −

sudo dnf install /path/to/font/files

Replace "/path/to/font/files" with the actual path to the folder where you saved the font files. For example, if you saved the font files in the "Downloads" folder, the command would be −

sudo dnf install /home/yourusername/Downloads/*.ttf

Press "Enter" to execute the command.

Once the installation is complete, you can close the Terminal.

Verifying Font Installation

To verify that the fonts have been installed correctly, you can open a text editor or a design software such as GIMP or Inkscape and check if the new fonts are listed. If the new fonts are listed, you can start using them.

Removing Fonts

If you no longer need a font that you installed, you can remove it using either the GNOME Font Viewer or the Terminal.

Using the GNOME Font Viewer

  • Open the GNOME Font Viewer.

  • Select the font that you want to remove.

  • Click on the "Remove" button in the top right corner of the window.

  • Click on the "Remove" button in the confirmation dialog

Using the Terminal

Open the Terminal.

Type the following command to remove the font −

sudo dnf remove fontname

Replace "fontname" with the name of the font that you want to remove. For example, if you want to remove the font "Roboto," the command would be −

sudo dnf remove roboto

Press "Enter" to execute the command.

Once the font is removed, you can close the Terminal.

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when adding new fonts to Fedora:

Make sure the font files you download are compatible with Fedora. Most fonts are available in TrueType or OpenType format, which are supported by Fedora.

Before installing a font, it's a good idea to check the license to make sure you have the right to use it. Some fonts may have restrictions on commercial use or require attribution.

If you have a large collection of fonts, you may want to consider using a font manager to organize and manage them. Font Manager is a popular font management tool that is available for Fedora and can help you preview, install, and remove fonts easily.

If you're working on a collaborative project, it's important to make sure that everyone who needs to use the new fonts has them installed on their system. You may want to share the font files with your colleagues or include them in the project files to ensure consistency.

If you're having trouble installing or using a new font, you can check the Fedora documentation or ask for help in online forums or communities. Fedora has a strong community of users and developers who are often willing to assist with technical issues.

Here are some additional tips and considerations for adding new fonts in Fedora

When downloading fonts from third-party websites, make sure you are downloading from a reputable source. Malicious files can sometimes be disguised as font files, so be careful when downloading and installing fonts.

Some fonts may have special characters or ligatures that are not available in standard fonts. Make sure to test your new fonts thoroughly to ensure that they display correctly and don't cause any issues in your documents or designs.

If you are using a font in a project that will be shared with others, make sure that the font is embedded in the project file or that you provide instructions on how to install the font on other systems. This will ensure that the project displays correctly for all users.

If you are installing a large number of fonts, you may want to consider organizing them into categories or folders to make them easier to find and manage. This can be particularly useful if you have a large collection of fonts for specific purposes such as graphic design, coding, or language support.

When removing fonts, make sure you are only removing fonts that you no longer need. Removing system fonts or fonts that are used by other applications can cause issues or errors in your operating system or applications.

If you encounter issues or errors when installing or using fonts, try restarting your system or the application you are using. This can sometimes resolve font-related issues.

By following these tips and considerations, you can add new fonts to your Fedora system safely and effectively, and enjoy the benefits of a more personalized and customizable desktop.


Adding new fonts to Fedora is a simple and straightforward process that can enhance the look of your desktop and improve your workflow. You can find new fonts online and install them using either the GNOME Font Viewer or the Terminal. Once installed, you can start using them in your documents, presentations, and projects. If you no longer need a font, you can easily remove it using the same methods. With these steps, you can easily customize your Fedora operating system with the fonts you love.

Updated on: 28-Apr-2023


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