How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?

HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is a combination of Hypertext and Markup language which we can use to structure a web page and its content. In this article, we will see how we can add the copyright symbol to our web page.


The copyright symbol is not present on the keyboard. Therefore, we must use another method to add this to our webpage. We are going to see three different methods −

  • Using hexadecimal code

  • Using HTML code

  • Using HTML entity

Method 1: Using Hexadecimal Code

The hexadecimal code for the copyright symbol is ©


Step 1 − First, we will define the basic HTML code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?</title>
   <h4>How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?</h4>

Step 2 − Now we will add the hexadecimal code for the symbol.

<p>Copyright Symbol: <span>©</span></p>

Here is the complete code

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?</title>
   <h4>How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?</h4>
   <p>Copyright Symbol: <span>©</span></p>

Method 2: Using HTML Code

The HTML code for the copyright symbol is ©


Step 1 − First we will define the basic HTML code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?</title>
   <h4>How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?</h4>

Step 2 − Now we will add the HTML code for the symbol.

<p>Copyright Symbol: <span>©</span></p>

Here is the complete code −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?</title>
   <h4>How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?</h4>
   <p>Copyright Symbol: <span>©</span></p>

Method 3: Using HTML Entity

The HTML entity for the copyright symbol is ©


Step 1 − First we will define the basic HTML code.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?</title>
   <h4>How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?</h4>

Step 1 − Now we will add the HTML entity for the symbol.

<p>Copyright Symbol: <span>©</span></p>

Here is the complete code −

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?</title>
   <h4>How to add copyright symbol to your HTML document?</h4>
   <p>Copyright Symbol: <span>©</span></p>


In this article, we went through three means of adding the copyright symbol in the HTML document. They were, through the use of hexadecimal code, HTML code, and HTML entity.

Updated on: 24-Nov-2023


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