How to add and use camera tool in Excel

Excel's camera tool is one of its lesser known features. With the help of this tool, you can take a picture of the data set (range, table, chart, etc.). After that, any modifications made to the source data set are reflected in the image that was captured by the camera. It can be used throughout the many sheets in your workbook. The dimensions of the pasted snapshot can be altered, and it can also be formatted, by using the tools that come with the camera. They can also be copied and pasted into documents generated in Word and PowerPoint respectively.

Enable Camera Tool in Excel

The camera tool is not included in the Excel Toolbar by default. To use it, add it to the Quick Access Toolbar by following these steps.

Step 1

In the toolbar, click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar icon and select More Commands.

Step 2

In the Excel Options window, choose Commands not in the Ribbon from the Choose commands from drop down.

Step 3

Then, select Camera under the commands not in ribbon dropdown, then click Add.

Step 4

Then click the Add button to add the Camera command to right command list and click OK.

Step 5

Now, the Camera tool is now available in the Excel Quick Access Toolbar.

Use Camera Tool in Excel

You can create an image of the data set using the camera. Then, whenever you update the data, the image will also be updated accordingly.

Step 1

Create the data as shown in the following screenshot.

Step 2

To utilise the camera, choose the section of the datasheet you want to capture and click the Camera button.

Step 3

Now click anywhere in the sheet, where you want to insert the captured image then the picture will appear, as shown in below screenshot.

Step 4

As you can see, the picture of captured data is now inserted (similar to a screenshot). If you change any data in the original data set. The data in the picture will change automatically with the original data changing. As shown in the below screenshot.


The Camera tool in Excel is disabled, by default, and it cannot be seen under the tool bar ribbon. In this tutorial, we explained how you can add the camera tool in Excel and how you can capture screenshots using camera options within an Excel worksheet.

Updated on: 10-Sep-2022

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