How to Add an Empty Directory in Git

Git is a popular version control system that enables you to manage your source code, track changes, and collaborate with others. It also helps you keep a record of every change made to your codebase, including the creation of new directories. However, sometimes you may need to add an empty directory to your Git repository, which may seem challenging at first glance. In this article, we will explore how to add an empty directory in Git.

What is an Empty Directory in Git?

Before we dive into the process of adding an empty directory in Git, let's first understand what an empty directory is. An empty directory is a directory that doesn't contain any files or subdirectories. In Git, directories are called "folders," and adding an empty folder to your repository means creating a directory without any files in it.

Why Add an Empty Directory in Git?

You might wonder why you would need to add an empty directory to your Git repository. There are several reasons why you may need to add an empty directory, including −

  • Organizing your project − Adding empty directories can help you organize your project by creating a logical structure for your files and directories.

  • Placeholder for future files − Sometimes, you may want to create a directory for future files that will be added later.

  • Project conventions − Adding empty directories may be a requirement for your project conventions or build systems.

How to Add an Empty Directory in Git?

Now that we have a basic understanding of what an empty directory is and why we may need to add it to our repository, let's explore how to add an empty directory in Git.

Method 1: Create an Empty Directory with a Placeholder File

One way to create an empty directory in Git is to add a placeholder file to the directory. Here are the steps to follow −

Create a new file in the directory you want to create as empty. You can use the touch command to create an empty file, for example −

$ touch path/to/new_directory/placeholder.txt

Add the file to the Git repository using the git add command −

$ git add path/to/new_directory/placeholder.txt

Commit the changes using the git commit command −

$ git commit -m "Add new empty directory"

Remove the placeholder file using the rm command −

$ rm path/to/new_directory/placeholder.txt

Commit the changes again using the git commit command −

$ git commit -m "Remove placeholder file"

By creating a placeholder file, you are essentially creating an empty directory, and once you've committed your changes, you can remove the placeholder file, leaving behind an empty directory.

Method 2: Create an Empty Directory with the .gitkeep File

Another way to create an empty directory in Git is to use a special file called .gitkeep. This file is an empty file that you place in the directory you want to create as empty. Here are the steps to follow −

Create a new directory in your project using the mkdir command −

$ mkdir path/to/new_directory

Create the .gitkeep file in the new directory using the touch command −

$ touch path/to/new_directory/.gitkeep

Add the .gitkeep file to the Git repository using the git add command −

$ git add path/to/new_directory/.gitkeep

Commit the changes using the git commit command −

$ git commit -m "Add new empty directory"

By adding the .gitkeep file, you are telling Git to keep track of the empty directory, and once you've committed your changes, you can push them to the remote repository.

Method 3: Use the --allow-empty-directory Flag

Git version 2.28 and later versions support a new flag called --allow-empty-directory, which allows you to create empty directories without using placeholder files or .gitkeep files. Here are the steps to follow −

Create a new directory in your project using the mkdir command −

$ mkdir path/to/new_directory

Add the empty directory to the Git repository using the git add command with the --allow-empty-directory flag −

$ git add --allow-empty-directory path/to/new_directory

Commit the changes using the git commit command −

$ git commit -m "Add new empty directory"

By using the --allow-empty-directory flag, you are telling Git to add an empty directory to your repository, and once you've committed your changes, you can push them to the remote repository.

Common Issues When Adding an Empty Directory in Git

Adding an empty directory in Git may seem simple, but there are a few common issues you may encounter.

The first issue is that Git doesn't track empty directories by default. If you create an empty directory and try to add it to your Git repository, Git will ignore it. To overcome this, you can use the methods described above to add a placeholder file or a .gitkeep file to your empty directory.

The second issue is that Git may not allow you to commit an empty directory. This may happen if you've added an empty directory using the --allow-empty-directory flag, but the directory doesn't exist on your local file system. To overcome this, you need to create the empty directory on your local file system before committing the changes.

The third issue is that if you delete an empty directory that was added using the .gitkeep file, Git may not recognize it as a directory, and it will not be removed from your repository. To overcome this, you need to manually remove the .gitkeep file before deleting the empty directory.

Additional Tips and Best Practices

While adding an empty directory in Git may seem like a simple task, there are some best practices and tips that you should keep in mind to ensure that your repository stays organized and manageable.

Keep Your Repository Clean

While empty directories can be useful for organizing your project, it's essential to keep your repository clean and avoid cluttering it with unnecessary files or directories. Before adding an empty directory, make sure that it's needed and serves a specific purpose.

Use Descriptive Directory Names

When creating new directories, it's important to use descriptive names that reflect the contents of the directory. This can help you and your team members understand the purpose of the directory and locate specific files or directories more quickly.

Use a .gitignore File to Ignore Unwanted Files

Sometimes, you may have files or directories that you don't want to include in your repository, such as build artifacts or temporary files. In these cases, you can use a .gitignore file to specify the files or directories that Git should ignore.

Use Branches to Test Changes

If you're working on a large project or making significant changes, it's a good idea to create a new branch to test your changes before merging them into the main branch. This can help you avoid conflicts and ensure that your changes are working as intended.

Collaborate with Your Team

Git is a powerful tool for collaboration, and it's essential to work closely with your team members to ensure that your repository stays organized and manageable. Make sure that everyone on your team understands the best practices and guidelines for adding empty directories, and work together to keep your repository clean and organized.


In this article, we explored how to add an empty directory in Git using different methods. We learned that creating a placeholder file or a .gitkeep file is a common way to add empty directories in Git, and we also learned about the --allow-empty-directory flag introduced in Git version 2.28. We also discussed some common issues you may encounter when adding empty directories and how to overcome them. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to add empty directories to your Git repository with ease.

Updated on: 27-Apr-2023


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