How to Add a Phrase in the middle of a Python String?

Strings are a fundamental data type in Python, and manipulating them is a common task in many programming scenarios. One specific requirement you may encounter is the need to insert a phrase or substring in the middle of an existing string. Python provides several methods and techniques to accomplish this task efficiently. In this blog post, we will explore some of these methods and discuss how to add a phrase in the middle of a Python string.

Let's explore different approaches to adding a phrase in the middle of a Python string. We will cover methods like string concatenation, f-strings, and the str.format() method, showcasing their effectiveness and highlighting their advantages in different scenarios. By the end of this blog post, you'll have a solid understanding of how to accomplish this task and be equipped with the knowledge to apply it in your own Python projects.

Using String Concatenation

One straightforward way to add a phrase in the middle of a string is by using string concatenation. The + operator can be used to concatenate multiple strings together. Here's an example 


original_string = "Hello, world!"
phrase_to_insert = "beautiful "

middle_index = len(original_string) // 2
new_string = original_string[:middle_index] + phrase_to_insert + original_string[middle_index:]



Hello, beautiful world!

In the above code, we split the original string at the desired position using slicing, and then concatenate the original string with the phrase to insert, and finally concatenate the remaining portion of the original string.

While string concatenation works well for small strings, it can become inefficient when dealing with large strings. This is because every concatenation operation creates a new string object, resulting in unnecessary memory allocations.

Using String Formatting

Another approach to adding a phrase in the middle of a string is by using string formatting. Python provides several ways to format strings, including the format() method and f-strings. Here's an example using f-strings −


original_string = "Hello, world!"
phrase_to_insert = "beautiful"

middle_index = len(original_string) // 2
new_string = f"{original_string[:middle_index]} {phrase_to_insert} {original_string[middle_index:]}"



Hello, beautiful world!

In this example, we use string interpolation with f-strings to insert the phrase into the original string at the desired position. This approach offers a concise and readable syntax.

Using the str.join() Method

The str.join() method can be used to concatenate a list of strings, inserting a delimiter between each element. By splitting the original string into two substrings and combining them with the phrase to insert, you can use str.join() to create the final string.


Here's an example 

original_string = "Hello, world!"
phrase_to_insert = "beautiful"

middle_index = len(original_string) // 2
new_string = ' '.join([original_string[:middle_index], phrase_to_insert, original_string[middle_index:]])



Hello, beautiful world!

In this example, we split the original string into two parts, and then create a list containing those parts along with the phrase to insert. The str.join() method is used to concatenate the list elements with a space delimiter, resulting in the desired output.

Using str.join() can be beneficial when you have multiple substrings or phrases to insert, as it allows you to easily join them using a specific delimiter.

Slicing and Reassignment

Another approach to adding a phrase in the middle of a Python string is by directly manipulating the string through slicing and reassignment. This method involves splitting the original string into two parts and reassigning the concatenated parts to the original variable.


Here's an example 

original_string = "Hello, world!"
phrase_to_insert = "beautiful"

middle_index = len(original_string) // 2
original_string = original_string[:middle_index] + phrase_to_insert + original_string[middle_index:]



Hello, beautiful world!

In this example, we reassign the value of original_string by concatenating the three parts: the substring from the start of the original string up to the middle index, the phrase to insert, and the substring from the middle index to the end of the original string. This method modifies the original variable directly, which can be useful when you want to update the string in-place.


We explored here several methods for adding a phrase in the middle of a Python string. We discussed string concatenation, f-strings, the str.format() method, the str.join() method, and slicing with reassignment. Each method offers its own advantages and can be used based on your specific requirements and preferences.

By understanding these different techniques, you can choose the most suitable method to add a phrase in the middle of a string, depending on factors such as readability, performance, and the version of Python you are using.

Updated on: 16-Aug-2023


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