How to add a digital signature in Excel?

MS-Excel has features that you can use to add passwords to your documents, configure auto-recovery parameters, and add signature lines. When a signature is added to an Excel document, no changes to the document are permitted without invalidating the signature. This lets you and others know that a document has been reviewed and approved by the signer.

Adding the Signature Line

In Excel, you can add a signature that is either visible or not visible. You can also just make a line for people to sign, which will let them give their approval. Follow the steps given below.

Step 1

Open the worksheet to which you want to add a digital signature and make sure that no more changes can be made to the information.

Step 2

Choose Microsoft Office Signature Line from the drop-down menu that appears when you choose Insert > Text > Signature Line on the ribbon. According to what is seen in the screenshot below

Step 3

(Digital signature setup)

A dialogue window with the heading Signature Setup will appear. Please provide the information that you would want to appear in the blanks.

  • Suggested signer − The name of the recipient (If you are going to sign this paper, your name will appear here.).

  • Suggested signer’s title − The recipient's occupational designation, such as "manager" or "CEO."

  • Suggested signer’s e-mail address − The recipient's e-mail address if the message was sent electronically.

  • Instructions to the signer − Any specific instructions that you would want to be included.

Step 4

Then click OK to close the Signature Setup dialog box. Then you can see Excel adds a signature line graphic object in the vicinity of the cell you place the cursor with a big X that contains your name and title. See the screenshot below.


In this tutorial, we used an example to demonstrate how you can add a Digital signature in Excel.

Updated on: 10-Sep-2022


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