How to Access Remote Desktop from Browser Using TightVNC

Remote Desktop is a handy tool that allows you to access your computer from a different location, using another device. It is very useful, especially for remote workers, who need to access their work computer from home or any other location. The most common way to access a remote desktop is through a client software installed on the device, but there is an easier way to access it: using a browser. In this article, we will show you how to access remote desktop from a browser using TightVNC.

What is TightVNC?

TightVNC is a free remote control software package that allows you to access and control a remote computer over the internet. It uses a VNC protocol to provide a secure and reliable connection between the client and server. TightVNC is compatible with different operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Why use TightVNC?

TightVNC is a popular remote desktop software because of its simplicity and security. Unlike other remote desktop software, TightVNC does not require any installation or configuration of a server-side component. It also has a built-in encryption feature that secures the connection between the client and server. TightVNC is also lightweight, meaning that it does not consume many resources, making it suitable for low-end devices.

How to Access Remote Desktop from Browser Using TightVNC

Install TightVNC Server on your Remote Computer

To access your remote desktop from a browser, you first need to install TightVNC server on your remote computer. TightVNC server is the component that enables you to access and control your computer from a different location. To install TightVNC server, follow the steps below −

Go to the TightVNC website and download the server package compatible with your operating system.

Once the download is complete, double-click on the downloaded file to start the installation process.

Follow the installation wizard to install TightVNC server on your remote computer. During the installation process, you will be asked to set a password. This password will be used to authenticate the remote client, so make sure it is secure and hard to guess.

Configure your Router to Forward Ports

By default, TightVNC uses port 5900 to communicate with the client. However, this port may be blocked by your router's firewall, preventing the client from accessing the server. To fix this, you need to configure your router to forward ports to your remote computer. To do this, follow the steps below −

Log in to your router's web interface using your web browser. The IP address of your router can be found in your router's manual or by typing "ipconfig" in the command prompt.

Look for the port forwarding section in your router's settings. This section may be named differently depending on your router's model and firmware.

Add a new port forwarding rule, and set the port range to 5900-5900. Enter the IP address of your remote computer in the IP address field. Save the changes and exit the router's settings.

Access Your Remote Desktop from a Browser

Now that you have installed TightVNC server and configured your router, you can access your remote desktop from a browser. To do this, follow the steps below −

Open your web browser and go to the TightVNC web viewer website.

In the "VNC server" field, enter the IP address of your remote computer, followed by a colon and the port number (e.g.,

Enter the password you set during the installation of TightVNC server.

Click on the "Connect" button to establish a connection to your remote desktop.

If the connection is successful, you will see your remote desktop in the browser window. You can now control your remote computer using your browser. You can use your mouse and keyboard to interact with your remote desktop as if you were sitting in front of it. You can also resize the browser window to adjust the resolution of the remote desktop.

Tips for Using TightVNC

Here are some tips for using TightVNC to access your remote desktop −

Use a Secure Password

The password you set during the installation of TightVNC server is the key to accessing your remote desktop. Therefore, it is important to use a strong and secure password that cannot be easily guessed or cracked. Avoid using common words or phrases and use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Use Encryption

TightVNC has a built-in encryption feature that secures the connection between the client and server. It uses a 128-bit AES encryption algorithm to protect your data from eavesdropping and tampering. Make sure that encryption is enabled to ensure the security of your remote desktop connection.

Optimize the Connection

TightVNC allows you to optimize the connection to your remote desktop by adjusting the settings. You can adjust the color depth, resolution, and compression level to improve the performance of your remote desktop connection. However, keep in mind that higher settings may require more bandwidth and resources.

Use a Stable Internet Connection

To ensure a stable and reliable connection to your remote desktop, make sure that you have a stable internet connection. A slow or unstable internet connection can cause lag and disconnection issues, making it difficult to use your remote desktop effectively.


Accessing remote desktop from a browser using TightVNC is a simple and secure way to access your remote computer from a different location. With TightVNC, you can easily control your remote desktop using your browser, without the need for any client software. Follow the steps outlined in this article to set up your remote desktop connection using TightVNC and enjoy the benefits of remote access.

Updated on: 27-Apr-2023

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