How to accept or reject all changes in Excel?

When you enable change tracking for a workbook, you will have the ability to choose which changes to accept and which to reject. You can make this decision by selecting the Accept/Reject Changes option from the drop-down menu of the Track Changes command button on the Review tab of the Ribbon. Excel will analyze all of the highlighted changes that have been made to the shared file by you and anybody else who has worked on it, and it will give you the option to either accept or reject specific modifications. Excel will show you a warning dialogue box before saving your workbook if you select the Accept/Reject Changes option for the first time. This window will advise you that Excel will save the workbook. When you click OK to clear this alert dialogue box, the software will open the Select Changes to Accept or Reject dialogue box. This dialogue box displays the same three check boxes and associated drop-down options (When, Who, and Where) as the Highlight Changes dialogue box.

In this tutorial we will learn how to accept or reject the changes made in a workbook through below given steps.

Accept Or Reject All Changes in Excel

Step 1

Open the workbook for which you want to accept or reject the changes, click the File tab, then click Options, then click Trust Center, then click

Step 2

Then click Privacy Options. Next, open the Document-specific settings section and uncheck the box labelled Remove personal information from file properties on save. After that, select OK > OK from the menus to close the dialogues. Check out this image.

Step 3

To enter the Highlight Changes dialogue, navigate to the Review menu and select Track Changes > Highlight Changes. Check out this screenshot −

Step 4

Make sure that the Track Changes box is checked in the Highlight Changes dialogue before editing. Additionally, the workbook box will be shared, and you can then click OK to close the dialogue box. Check out this screenshot −

You are now able to save the workbook and make it available for modification or editing by other users. After that, you will have the option to either accept or reject the changes made by other people.

Step 5

After you or someone else has made edits to the worksheet, you can access the Select Changes to Accept or Reject box by opening the workbook and selecting Review > Track Changes > Accept/Reject Changes from the drop-down menu. Check out this screenshot −

Step 6

The Accept/Reject Changes dialogue will then appear; depending on what you want to do, click the Accept All or Reject All button. Check out this screenshot −

Updated on: 10-Sep-2022


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