How Much Does a Freelance Digital Marketer Make?

For those who are passionate about online marketing and want to have the freedom to work at their own pace, freelancing in digital marketing is a popular employment option. The need for independent digital marketers is growing as the world migrates to digital channels. 

You might be wondering how much money you can make if you're considering working as a freelance digital marketer. The answer to this question might vary significantly based on a number of variables, including your level of experience, the services you provide, your target market, and the area in which you operate.

Earning Potential of a Freelance Digital Marketer

An independent digital marketer may earn anywhere from nothing to a sizable sum of money. In the United States, a freelance digital marketer may expect to earn about $60 per hour, according to a study by Upwork. Yet, this charge might vary from $15 to $150 per hour, depending on the level of experience, level of skill, and the services provided by the freelancer.

A fixed price for a single project or monthly retainer package is another payment option available to independent digital marketers. The income potential may also change depending on the freelancer's service location and the level of demand for digital marketing services there.

Factors that Impact Digital Marketers' Salaries

As we get an estimate that how a freelance digital marketer earns, now let us have a look at the factors which affect the earning of a digital marketer.


Certain digital marketing positions pay more if you have a bachelor's degree, graduate degree, or certifications in high-demand abilities. Zippia reports that 10 percent of digital marketing specialists have a master's degree, while 76% of them have a bachelor's degree. Marketing, public relations, business, and communication are relevant majors.


Your ability to earn money could be influenced by your experience with digital marketing. The experience could come from a job, a contract or freelance job, or even through promoting your own company.


Entry-level or individual contributor positions in digital marketing, such as digital marketing specialist ($58,363), typically have lower wages than advanced ones, like digital marketing manager ($81,994).


You may be a more appealing job prospect with a higher earning potential if you possess crucial digital marketing skills. To learn about desired and necessary talents, read the job descriptions carefully. According to ZipRecruiter's Career Keyword Mapper, as of December 2022, the top talents listed by employers in job descriptions are social media marketing, Google Analytics, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), and pay-per-click (PPC).


The size, marketing budget, and corporate objectives of a corporation will all affect salaries. For instance, according to Glassdoor, businesses like Amazon, Cisco Systems, and Disney pay their digital marketing managers more than $100,000 annually, while charitable organizations like the YMCA and United Way pay their employees between $50,000 to $60,000 annually.


Similar to how your salary range will be affected by your industry of employment. For instance, according to Glassdoor, a digital marketing manager in aerospace and defense can earn $105,065 while a digital marketing manager in education can earn $81,116.

Tips to Follow as a Freelancer to be Updated with the Current Marketing Trends

To remain competitive and provide value to your clients as a freelancer, it is crucial to stay current with the most recent marketing trends. These are some pointers to remember.

Follow Influencers and Leaders in Your Feld

Freelancers can find inspiration and ideas by following thought leaders and influencers in their fields. Freelancers can acquire new strategies for overcoming marketing difficulties and broaden their skill set by participating in the material they post. They may be able to provide their clients with better results and enhance their industry reputation as a result of this.

Following influential people in your field will also help you network. Freelancers can interact with other marketing experts by participating in their social media conversations or leaving comments on their blog pieces. As a result, their business may gain new clients, partners, and prospects.

Attending Webinars and Virtual Events

Industry leaders with in-depth expertise and experience in digital marketing frequently host webinars and other online events. Attending these events allows freelancers to get important information about current trends, tactics, and best practices. By doing this, they will be able to better serve their clients and remain competitive in the market.

Freelancers can ask questions, take part in conversations, and receive expert feedback through webinars and other online events that offer an interactive learning environment. As a result, they will be better able to comprehend the subject and apply what they learn to their own work. Gaining a deeper knowledge of the subtleties and complexities of various marketing techniques also benefits from having the chance to interact with presenters and other participants.

Joining Marketing Communities

Access to industry specialists who are enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge and skills is made possible via marketing communities. These professionals frequently impart their knowledge on the most recent trends, methods, and industry best practices. Freelancers can acquire this expertise by joining these communities, which can help them stay current and advance their careers.

Freelancers have the chance to network with other marketing experts, share ideas, and form partnerships through marketing communities. These connections may open up new doors for collaborations, clients, and opportunities. Strong community ties can also aid freelancers in gaining publicity, enhancing their standing, and broadening their clientele.

Try Out New Technology and Techniques

New tools and technologies are frequently released, and the landscape of digital marketing is continuously changing. In order to be competitive in the market as a freelance digital marketer, it is crucial to keep up with the most recent tools and technology. Freelancers that experiment with new tools and technology can stay on the cutting edge and provide clients with fresh services.

Freelancers can boost their productivity by streamlining their work procedures and experimenting with new tools and technology. Automating laborious activities, supplying improved analytics, and enhancing workflow management are all possible with new tools and technology. Freelancers may increase their productivity and deliver better outcomes to their clients by keeping up with the most recent tools and technologies.

Analyzing the Data

Freelancers can monitor the effectiveness of their marketing activities by analyzing data. Freelancers can monitor metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI by analyzing data. Making data-driven decisions and understanding the efficacy of marketing strategies depend on tracking results.

Data analysis can be used by freelancers to find areas for development and improvement. Freelancers might find market gaps and fresh target markets, and develop trends by studying data. Freelancers can keep ahead of the curve and provide new services to their clients by spotting these chances.


For those with the necessary abilities and knowledge, freelancing in digital marketing has a lot of income potential. Freelancers can take advantage of the growing demand for digital marketing services to provide high-quality services to companies of all sizes.

It's crucial to keep up with the most recent trends and changes in the business if you want to be successful as a freelance digital marketer. Following influential people in the field, being current on news and changes, participating in webinars and online conferences, joining marketing forums, experimenting with cutting-edge tools and technologies, and conducting data analysis are all ways to accomplish this.

Updated on: 27-Mar-2023


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