How mobile apps can help you reach more customers

With the passing of every day at present, the landscape seems to change. Technology, with its rapidly innovative pace, sets the tone for a lot of the things – present and future. So is the case in the business landscape, where a lot of it has been transferred to the online ecosystem. Mobile has taken the world by storm in the past few years and having an application is the answer to everything that needs a solution. Likewise, most business people and entrepreneurs have switched to mobile apps to have an advantage in the markets they operate in.

So, here are some of the ways in which having a mobile app is sure to help you in reaching out to more customers, especially if you have a small business.

Increased Visibility Among Customers

Statistics states that an average person spends about two hours per day on their mobile phones. Although, a large percentage of this constitutes of a small number of applications, it still has immense potential as in the user scans regularly to find apps they intend to use. So having an app that has a great logo, design and interface is sure to capture the interest of potential customers.

A Direct Marketing Tool

Mobile applications can perform several functions – search, news feeds, booking, user accounts, and many more. The biggest plus point of having a mobile app is that you can provide all the required information to your customers. Whether it is sales, promotions, offers, etc. you can connect to your customers, right on their fingertips. With the help of push notifications, you have the chance to have the possibility of a direct interaction with call to action, besides reminding them of your products and offerings.

Sharing on Social Media

Having social media integration on your application will also bode well for you. Integration of sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. allows your customers to share good reviews on their

profiles, which means you get more visibility and catch the eye of prospective customers. So, it acts as a social media marketing tool.

Providing Value to Customers

Having a digital loyalty program in place, i.e. through your mobile app can help immensely in growing your business. Not only is it easy for your customers to redeem their loyalty earnings or points, but it also makes it equally appealing.

Boosts Branding and Recognition

Considering that your company’s logo is almost always visible to a user when they stare at the screen of their cell phones, it is practically impossible for them not to remember you when they need products or services that your business offers. And, this is a big advantage for you when you are up against your competitors who haven’t gone mobile as yet. If you are looking for an instant brand recognition and boost, then building a good mobile app will definitely get you ahead in the race.

Improves Customer Service Experience

In case you have a mobile app for your business, your customers benefit immensely as they are able to access your products and service offerings at all times and even when they are on the move.

This is highly beneficial when you do not have round-the-clock helpline service to cater to customers of yours. Your app can include the possibility of them being able to contact you at any time of the day or night, without the need for visiting your website.

Besides, you could have other features like for example, you could have a feature on the app that helps in booking a table at your restaurant without having to call and confirm a booking. This is something that certainly brings better transparency and is quicker as well.

Acquire more Customers

Customers these days are constantly on the move and are also glued to their mobile devices. In this regard, they would certainly appreciate an application which is both engaging and useful as well. If the app that you offer helps in killing or saving time, they are more likely to refer it to their friends and family members, thus giving you a better chance of gaining more customers.

Referral Earning Scheme

While marketing activities differ from business to business, having a referral scheme can work wonders for an app. A refer-and-earn scheme will surely earn you more customers and also increase your brand awareness. Sale promotion trends have evolved from the likes of offering free demos to presenting earning opportunities. The latter surely is the best for a mobile app and is real booster.

Cashless Shopping Experience

As people continue to adopt cashless strategies and means, a mobile app can be a great means to offer such an experience. Credit/debit card payments or the use of mobile wallets as payment

options are also certainly helping this increasing trend. This is largely due to the fact that cashless transactions are easy and hassle-free. Further, not having these features might hurt your business in the long run and give your competitors an edge.

Cultivating Customer Loyalty

The most important reason why mobile apps work wonders is because they increase customer loyalty. The traditional forms of marketing – billboards, banners, newspaper ads, flash signs, coupons, flyers and even email can be a saturated field as they are immensely available and hence lose the impact they have on a customer.

However, unlike them, a mobile app beg to differ. It helps in making a true and sincere connection with customers. Thus, they are more likely to become a loyal lover or follower of your product offerings or services. While having a mobile app will in no way be the sole savior of your business, it still helps you stay very close to your customers.

Either way, whether you accept it or not, a mobile app will definitely play a very important role in the future of any business. However, you can start ahead of your competitors by having a mobile app today rather than play catch up later. The above reasons clearly spell out the reason why you should.

Updated on: 22-Oct-2019


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