How Mobile Apps are Shaping the Education Industry?

A phenomenal rise in the usage of mobile devices, especially smartphones, is surely a potential that needs tapping into. About everything today has been taking a mobile first approach and several industry verticals have already been impacted by the use of mobile devices and applications.

Today, mobile apps are completely changing the face of the education industry, among several others. With the help of such apps, students and academia are able to study from anywhere and at any possible time. Whether it is accessing exam schedules or preparing with a certain time frame in mind, these apps allow students, teachers and parents to collaborate in order to improve on.

Therefore, it is apt to say that the move towards the digitization of the education process has begun already.

Now, while the full-scale implementation of mobile apps for education will depend on a number of factors, like infrastructure, technical, content, academic, teacher training, and academic administration, here are some of the ways in which such apps are already helping the education industry.

Edtech is Leading the Way

Several people believe that the term “edtech” refers to online learning. However, people with adequate knowledge in this matter will surely know that online learning is merely the surface of a deep well. Edtech has been leading the way n terms of a number of aspects like learning tools, nontraditional careers, and even the infusion of technology in academic administration. Hence, innovation in edtech has been leading the way for a number of ways.

Variety in Offerings

Mobile apps in education offer plenty of variety and a range of options. For example, you can pick Google Earth to learn geography, get full course lessons on iTunes, or pick Code Academy to learn computer languages. Hence, the sheer amount of options that is available on a mobile phone or tablet to someone who is interested to learn is immense.

Ease Of Access To material

Depending on the infrastructure of the place you are accessing the Internet from; the ease of access to course material is sufficiently simple. All you need is a smartphone or a tablet and a sufficiently good internet connection. With this, you are good to go.

Learning That Has No Boundaries

With mobile apps, there is practically no restriction on the content that you are learning and also the fact that you can learn at your pace and time. However, with traditional classroom programs this isn’t possible as you are taught at a certain time and within a specific timeframe as well.

Hence, with mobile apps it can be said that learning is surely a lot more effective than in the case of traditional classroom programs. Numerous apps are testimony to this as they make learning more of a fun, easy and convenient process.

Reduction in Costs

In the case of learning via mobile apps, it can certainly be said that the costs involved in it are cheaper when compared to the traditional learning system. Hence, it is certainly a great option for those people who cannot afford educational institutes that are above their affordable limits. On the whole, mobile apps make quality education available to everyone at a much reduced cost.

A Common Platform for Collaboration

As a platform accessible to all, i.e. teachers, students and parents, mobile apps can be a common platform where people from these three aspects can come together and collaborate to implement better learning. Students can benefit from having tips from their parents and teachers with respect to their lessons. And, at the same time, parents and teachers can also keep a track of what the student is doing.

Whether it is performance assessment, grades, or attendance, they can know it all and rather simply.

Mobile apps like TeacherKit and Attendance are already helping in this regard and so are Dropbox and Evernote, which allow seamless collaboration and sharing of material.

Engaging Students

Student engagement has always been a major challenge for any form of education. However, with mobile apps, things are taking a different turn. Through audio-visual medium, students are certainly finding it easier to grasp knowledge and concept, which were earlier pretty difficult to achieve. Watching videos and listening to audio helps students retain concepts of science better than they do when reading textbooks. Science 360 is an example of such a mobile application that assists students in learning via means of audio-visual content.

Newer Methodologies For Learning

With the presence of mobile apps for education, the methods of imparting knowledge have taken an all new concept. While the traditional method is just talk and chalk, this medium encourages the use of innovative and alternative learning techniques that make learning much more interesting and effective. Some of these examples are – audio-visual cues, interactive quizzes, etc.

Some Apps Doing The Rounds

The mobile app world is already brimming with several apps that promise to educate students across a variety of subjects. Here are some of the pretty well-known ones.

Ready4 SAT

This free app is ideal for SAT applicants. Students not only learn to answer questions but it also teaches you the material and tips you on how to answer questions. You potential SAT score is matched to schools and academic programs around the world.


This is essentially your math buddy. All you need to do is click a photo of the question and it instantly breaks the solution in to simple steps to explain the answers.


This app is a personal editor that assists students with writing. It can improve your style of writing, check for genuineness, and even identify grammatical issues.


Anyone who possesses a smartphone can learn from major institutions such as MIT and McGill, with the possibility of getting a certificate for completing a certain course. you can go ahead with online lectures, taking quizzes and completing assignments, all of this at your own pace.

My Study Life

This is a daily planner and school calendar that keeps you updated on routines and deadlines at just a glance.

Khan Academy

This is another very popular app that allows you to go through video tutorials raging from basic math to computer programming and from earth science to art history.


This app assists you in learning a second language, which isn’t very easy. You can pick from a variety of languages such as Spanish, Italian, German, French, Brazilian, etc.


This is an app that is meant for marathon study sessions. You can build flashcards with text, audio or video. You might also be interested in going through a number of user created quizzes in almost every possible topic.

It is certainly clear that mobile apps are here to disrupt the education space, just like they have in several other domains. Innovative apps that cater to various needs of the education community can only be a big boost to the entire education community and help people in breaking out of the traditional system that is in place.

Updated on: 23-Jan-2020


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