How Keto Diet Affects Your Cholesterol

In recent years, the ketogenic diet, characterized by a high-fat and low-carbohydrate intake, has become more popular as a weight loss and health improvement method. The idea is that switching to a high-fat diet while drastically decreasing carbs would force the body into a metabolic state called ketosis. In this state, your body fat is used for energy rather than carbohydrates. Even while the ketogenic diet helps help people lose weight and improve various health markers, such as their blood sugar and insulin levels, there are still some worries regarding its effect on cholesterol levels. The waxy molecule known as cholesterol may be found in the circulation and in each cell in the body. Your body needs some cholesterol to perform vital functions like making vitamin D and hormones, but having too much of it in your blood might increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Understanding Body Cholesterol

To begin, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the various kinds of cholesterol. The LDL and HDL varieties are the most common ones. Because excessive levels of LDL can contribute to the development of heart disease, it is commonly referred to as "bad" cholesterol. LDL, or low-density lipoprotein, is the cholesterol that gets this reputation. Because it helps eliminate LDL from the bloodstream, high-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is sometimes referred to as "good" cholesterol.

Keto Diet and Cholesterol

You may see an increase in your LDL cholesterol levels after beginning a ketogenic diet. This is because the diet contains a significant amount of fat, and as we know, the fat tends to raise LDL levels. It is necessary to highlight the fact that not all fats are created equal. Compared to unsaturated fats, which can be found in plant-based oils and avocados, saturated fats, which may be found in animal products like red meat and butter, are known to have a bigger influence on LDL levels.

In addition to this, it has been noted that adhering to a ketogenic diet may increase levels of HDL cholesterol or the "good" cholesterol. That's because following a ketogenic diet typically reduces weight, and research has shown that when people lose weight, their HDL cholesterol levels tend to go up.

Effects of Keto Diet on Body Cholesterol

Helps to lower your Cholesterol levels by Reducing the amount of Saturated fat you Consume

The keto diet is a great way to change your diet to reduce high cholesterol levels. Reducing the amount of saturated fat you consume can brilliantly help lower cholesterol. This dietary approach emphasizes consuming healthier fats and proteins over carbohydrates, which helps lower the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease. With this diet comes the reduction of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides. Even though there are alternative methods for promoting health, such as exercise, the keto diet is simple and sustainable if used properly. Furthermore, it could be an amazing tool in a long-term plan to regulate cholesterol levels while developing healthier eating habits.

Increases the Levels of HDL (good) Cholesterol in your body

Maintaining a balanced, healthy diet is an important factor in managing cholesterol levels. Consuming foods with a low amount of saturated fat and high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids--like fish, avocados, and olive oil are particularly beneficial for helping improve bad (LDL) cholesterol and increasing good (HDL) cholesterol. Regular exercise also helps by causing the body to use some of its extra cholesterol, leading to higher HDL and lower LDL levels. By following the recommended dietary guidelines and a fairly active lifestyle, you can be sure your HDL cholesterol will remain at its healthiest level.

Improves the Triglyceride Levels in your Blood

The ketogenic diet has many benefits for those looking to make a lifestyle change. One of these is its impact on triglycerides in the blood. Studies show that switching to a low-carb keto diet can help lower and even normalize triglyceride levels for individuals with high triglycerides. Furthermore, research suggests that following a keto diet for 12 months or longer is an effective way to combat hypertriglyceridemia for those at high risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Achievable within three months on average, lowering triglyceride levels through a keto diet is an attainable goal that can provide rapid health benefits while helping manage long-term weight goals.

Before Starting the Keto Diet

Managing cholesterol levels is paramount to maintaining optimal health, and the keto diet can have a significant impact on your body's ability to do this. While it has plenty of proven benefits, its high-fat, low-carb approach can negatively influence cholesterol levels if done incorrectly. Therefore, anyone with pre-existing issues related to their cholesterol should consult with a doctor before taking up the keto diet. This is especially important for people who are on medication for their cholesterol, as switching to the keto diet could have adverse interactions due to limited carbohydrate intake leading to changes in metabolism or other bodily functions that could be affected by medicine. Taking preventive action and having an open dialogue with your physician is the best way to ensure success when embarking on any dietary lifestyle change.


 In summary, the ketogenic diet may affect cholesterol levels; nevertheless, the link between the two is somewhat complicated. Although it's very uncommon to see a rise in LDL cholesterol, there's a chance that an increase in HDL cholesterol will also result from the diet. It is crucial to pick good fats and limit saturated fats, include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet, and engage with a healthcare practitioner to offset any possible hazards. Avocados, olive oils, and coconut oils are all examples of healthy fats. It is feasible to adhere to the ketogenic diet while still preserving healthy levels of cholesterol if one approaches it appropriately.

Updated on: 14-Feb-2023


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