How is kNN different from Kmeans Clustering?


Two well−liked machine learning techniques, KNN and k−means clustering, are employed for various tasks. Both methods employ the k parameter, but they are applied to distinct problems and work in different ways. During classification and regression problems, KNN is a supervised learning method, whereas k−means clustering is an unsupervised learning approach.

We shall examine the main distinctions between KNN and k−means clustering in this article, including the learning style, task, input, distance calculation, output, application, and restrictions of each method. We can select the best algorithm for a task at hand and steer clear of typical traps by being aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm. This article will help you grasp the distinctions between KNN and k−means clustering, whether you are a novice or an expert data scientist.

What is kNN?

A supervised learning technique called kNN (k−Nearest Neighbors) is utilized in machine learning for classification and regression applications. It is a straightforward yet effective technique that may be used in situations involving binary and many classes.

The kNN algorithm predicts the output for the new input by locating the k closest data points in the training dataset to the new input and then utilizing their labels (in the case of classification or regression) or values (in the case of regression). The "k" in kNN stands for how many nearest neighbors will be taken into account when producing a forecast. Although many different distance metrics may be used to compare the similarity of data points, Euclidean distance is the most often used one.

The most popular method for classifying data with kNN is to employ a majority vote among the k closest neighbors to choose the projected class label for a new input. The anticipated output value in regression issues is just the average of the values of the k closest neighbors.

The simplicity and flexibility of kNN are of its key benefits. It can handle noisy and incomplete data as well as complicated and nonlinear data patterns. When working with big datasets, kNN can be computationally costly since it needs to calculate the distances between every data point in the training set and the incoming input.

All things considered, kNN is a helpful technique for straightforward classification and regression tasks and can be a solid starting point for more challenging issues.

What is Kmeans Clustering

An unsupervised learning approach called k−means clustering is used in machine learning and data analysis for grouping jobs. K−means clustering aims to combine related data points into k groups depending on how similar their features are.

The k−means method operates by initializing k cluster centers in the data space at random initially. The method then determines the distance to each cluster center for each data point, assigning that point to the closest cluster. The method updates the cluster centers as the mean of all the points assigned to that cluster once each data point has been assigned to a cluster. Up until convergence, which is when the clustering of data points stops changing, this process is performed iteratively.

The user must specify the hyperparameter k, which refers to the number of clusters. Selecting the right value for k may be difficult and frequently involves domain expertise or experimentation.

Customers may be segmented, images can be compressed, and anomalies can be found, among other uses for k−means clustering. It is sensitive to the locations of the initial cluster centers and presumes that the data points are isotropic and of similar size, among other drawbacks.

In general, the popular and simple clustering technique k−means clustering can be successful in locating natural groupings within data.

Difference between kNN and kmeans Clustering

The k parameter is utilized by both the machine learning methods kNN and k−means clustering, however they are applied to distinct problems and function in different ways.

The key distinction between kNN and k−means clustering is that whereas kNN is a supervised learning technique used for classification and regression problems, k−means clustering is an unsupervised learning approach.

kNN works by finding the k nearest data points in the training dataset to a new input, and then using their labels (in the case of classification) or values (in the case of regression) to predict the output for the new input. On the other hand, k−means clustering aims to group similar data points into k clusters based on their feature similarities, without the use of labels.

Another difference is that kNN calculates the distance between the new input and all the data points in the training set to find the k nearest neighbors, while k−means clustering iteratively updates the cluster centers based on the mean of the data points assigned to each cluster.

When it comes to applications, k−means clustering may be used for unsupervised clustering tasks like customer segmentation or picture compression, whereas k−NN can be utilized for straightforward classification and regression tasks.

Generally, there are differences between kNN and k−means clustering that are employed for various tasks. Even though they both use the k parameter, they work differently and are employed for various purposes.



K−means clustering

Type of learning

Supervised learning

Unsupervised learning


Classification and regression



K, the number of nearest neighbors

K, the number of clusters


Labeled data

Unlabeled data

Distance calculation

Euclidean, Manhattan, or other distance metrics

Euclidean distance between data points and cluster centers


Prediction or estimation of output variable based on k nearest neighbors

Grouping of similar data points into k clusters


Classification and regression tasks

Customer segmentation, image compression, anomaly detection, and other clustering tasks


Sensitivity to the choice of k and distance metric

Sensitivity to initial placement of cluster centers and assumption of isotropic and equally sized data points


The learning type, goal, input, distance computation, output, application, and restrictions of the two well−known machine learning algorithms kNN and k−means clustering, as a consequence, significantly differ from one another. KNN is a supervised learning algorithm that is used for classification and regression problems, whereas K−means clustering is an unsupervised learning technique. By distinguishing between these two methods, we can choose the optimum strategy while avoiding common mistakes for the task at hand.

Updated on: 24-Jul-2023

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