How IoT for Electric Vehicle Charging Keeps EVs Running

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are the near future of our generation, and increasing gasoline and diesel prices will eventually bring people toward buying electric scooters or electric cars. And therefore, in the electrical grid of charging vehicles, IoT is essential to provide smart charging. Unlike normal gas stations, electric cars require a much longer time to charge their batteries fully, and an electric station can handle a limited number of cars at a time. Hence, IoT boosts smart charging, and Electric Vehicle Charging keeps the EVs running on the road. Let us discuss the different roles of IoT in Electric Vehicle Charging.

IoT in EV Charging Stations

The significance of IoT in the modern world is increasing every day. IoT has brought us the one technology, futuristics, and that’s what we need. There are tons of applications of IoT in our world, including every sector. Also, the IoT devices used in EV stations are a must. It's important to take proper management of electric vehicle charging stations; therefore, their management can only be done using proper IoT grid technology. But how does a grid work? It’s a physical network of different IoT sensors and devices put together in a place to operate together and run software or application that manages all of them. The grid data helps create smart parking and charging systems for EVs.

But why EVs?

The depletion of harmful gases in the environment by the old cars and burning gasoline diesel engines pollute the city to a very large extent. Harmful pollutants like carbon monoxide can cause breathing problems for persons having old age or weak lungs. Moreover, the quantity of petroleum products is getting lower, and its skyrocketing prices lead to thinking about using more electric vehicles than commercial cars. It's easier and more convenient to buy solar panels at home, which is a one-time investment and perfect for city homes. That is why people focus more on EVs if they want to buy a new vehicle.

Problems Faced Due to Overloading Grid?

As for the home, you have a charging pod that you can use anytime, but what happens if you run low on electric fuel and want to charge your EV? If you have a nearby EV charging station and find other EVs occupying all the space. You have no option but to see if there are any other stations nearby and if you can reach over there in remaining fuel. Are there any booking sessions? What if you go to another station, which is also full of other EVs? There are many questions regarding electric vehicle charging stations because this is not static. Unlike gas stations, EVs require much more time to charge and a lot of electric power. This is all managed by the IoT and IoT grid which keeps all the records.

How IoT Tracks EV Stations And Grid Load?

Devices like the fuel gauge, charging point wattage, usage of charging point and time required for the car to fully or partially charge, etc., are connected to IoT chips. These chips are directly connected to the cloud server, which transmits all the grid data. That helps to manage the grid load through the client side manually. Automating this process, the cloud server connected through your Electric Vehicle will automatically tell you how much space is occupied at the nearest charging stations. Moreover, charging stations receive energy from the nearest power station, and IoT devices also track the total electricity usage to avoid any power surge.

IoT Benefits in Charging Stations

Using IoT in charging stations more practically is recently undergoing the process, and companies are developing more smart Electric vehicle charging systems rather than simple charging points. Here are some advantages of using IoT.

  • Smart grid management to avoid grid overloading.

  • Alert systems for vehicles running low on battery.

  • GPS collaboration to get the nearest charging station.

  • Availability of charging points at stations.

  • Find the second nearest station in case there is overloading.

  • Avoid power blackouts by directly connecting to the server.

  • Solar-powered electric charging stations.

  • All EV information, including battery usage and efficiency available on your smartphone.

  • Medical services in case of emergency.

Current Challenges in IoT embedded EV Charging Stations

Along with the sweet benefits, smart charging stations have some critical issues. They are −

  • Security − Security is the most fragile element in the implementation of EV stations. Hackers find some way to access your car’s electrical system through a server connected to your vehicle, which can lead to improper charging or electric part failure.

  • Cost − Cost is another big issue because of our lack of equipment and power. IoT servers and devices are costly, cannot be repaired if a fault occurs, and can only be replaced.

  • Time − The time consumed in charging electric vehicles can get up to several hours.

  • Maintenance − Due to the shortage of replaceable IoT sensors and devices used at the power station, it isn't very easy to manage and maintain the good condition of all hardware.

  • Power Outtage − Power stations running on low power provided by the power stations can lead to unhealthy charging and damage Electric Vehicles’ battery life.

  • Natural Calamity − This is a rare issue, but the power supply is affected first during storms and any other natural disaster. Hence lack of power connectivity and not available proper sunlight for solar panels lead to charging issues.


This future concept of a smart EV charging system using IoT requires much capital and EVs running on the ground for implementation. Improvements like books for reading, hardware shops, snacks corner, vending machines, games, and many other entertaining things can be provided at the EV charging point to utilize the time most. This is just the beginning. Future generation needs this technology to survive. Also, the increase in internet speed due to 5G technology will boost IoT technology. Along with powerful Machine Learning models to automate industry and increased security due to Blockchain technology helps the most.

Updated on: 03-Feb-2023


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