How Doing Agile is Different from Being Agile?

Recently, for so many good reasons Agile methodology has gained immense popularity. It helps organizations deliver high-quality software products faster, better, and more efficiently. However, just implementing Agile methodology is not enough to reap its benefits. The real challenge lies in being Agile, which is often confused with just doing Agile.

Businesses today need agility to adapt to change and survive in an unpredictably unstable environment. For the majority of us, it is now a necessity rather than a preferred method of working.

In this article, we'll explore the differences between doing Agile and being Agile and how organizations can strive towards being Agile rather than just doing Agile.

Doing Agile

Doing Agile refers to the mere implementation of Agile methodology in the organization. It means following the Agile practices, such as Scrum, Kanban, or any other Agile framework, without fully understanding Agile principles. Organizations that are just doing Agile often find themselves stuck in a cycle of Scrum ceremonies, without realizing the desired outcomes.

Being Agile

Being Agile, on the other hand, means incorporating Agile principles into the organization's culture and practices. It's about embracing the Agile mindset and adapting to change, rather than just following a set of rules. Truly Agile organizations can deliver better software products faster and more efficiently, while also fostering a positive and productive work environment.

The Key Differences

Each team member should adopt the "Being" and not only the "Doing" parts of the agile method of working. Agile is a way of thinking that is based on a set of values and principles.

Being Agile is a journey rather than something that can be accomplished overnight. Second, while practising Agile is simple, really becoming Agile is challenging.


The biggest difference between doing Agile and being Agile is the mindset. Organizations that are just doing Agile approach Agile as a set of rules to follow, while truly Agile organizations have an Agile mindset, where they embrace change and continuously strive towards improvement.


Organizations that are just doing Agile often focus on completing tasks and delivering software, while organizations that are truly Agile focus on delivering value to their customers. The Agile mindset enables organizations to prioritize the most valuable tasks & continuously improve the product to meet customer needs.


Doing Agile often leads to limited communication between team members and stakeholders, as the focus is on completing tasks rather than collaborating. Being Agile, on the other hand, encourages open and transparent communication, fostering a positive and productive work environment.


Organizations that are just doing Agile struggle with adaptability, as they approach Agile as a set of rules to follow rather than as a mindset. Being Agile, on the other hand, enables organizations to embrace change and continuously adapt to meet changing customer needs.

Continuous Improvement

Doing Agile often leads to complacency, as the focus is on completing tasks rather than continuously improving. Being Agile, on the other hand, encourages continuous improvement and fosters a culture of learning and growth.

The Road to Being Agile

Transitioning from just doing Agile to being Agile is a journey, and it starts with the leadership team. Here are some steps organizations can take to strive toward being Agile −

Embrace the Agile Mindset

The first step towards being Agile is embracing the Agile mindset. This means adopting a growth mindset and continuously striving toward improvement, rather than just following a set of rules.

Foster Open Communication

Open and transparent communication is key to being Agile. Encourage your team to openly communicate & collaborate, fostering a positive and productive work environment.

Prioritize Customer Value

Being Agile is about delivering value to your customers. Prioritize the tasks that will deliver the most value to your customers and continuously improve the product to meet their needs.

Embrace Change

Being Agile means embracing change and adapting to meet changing customer needs. Encourage your team to embrace change and continuously improve processes and practices.

Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is at the heart of being Agile. Foster a culture of learning and growth, where your team is encouraged to continuously improve processes & practices.


In conclusion, the difference between doing Agile and being Agile lies in the mindset and approach. Organizations that are just doing Agile follow a set of rules, while organizations that are truly Agile embrace the Agile mindset and continuously strive towards improvement.

The road to being Agile starts with the leadership team & involves embracing the Agile mindset, fostering open communication, prioritizing customer value, embracing change & fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

"Agile is not just a methodology it's a mindset. Embrace the Agile principles and continuously strive towards improvement, to deliver value to your customers."

Updated on: 28-Feb-2023


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