How does underscore "_" work in Python files?

Have you ever come across the mysterious underscore "_" while coding in Python? This seemingly simple character holds a wealth of functionality and is often used in various contexts to enhance code readability and organization. In this article, we'll explore the magic of the underscore in Python, uncovering its four main use cases with detailed explanations and real-world code examples. In this article, let us use the examples to shed light on the versatility of the underscore, helping you harness its power to write more expressive and human-readable Python code. Let us get started in the world of the underscore in Python!

Understanding the Underscore in Python

Before we take a plunge into the various use cases of the underscore, let us attempt to understand the fundamental role of underscore in Python. As you are probably aware, the underscore is a reserved character with special meanings in different contexts. Python developers often utilize underscore to signal specific intentions or avoid unused variable warnings. Let us explore the magic of underscore through four different examples.

Using _ as a Placeholder Variable

In Python, it is often seen that you can use the underscore as a placeholder variable when you don't have the intention of using the value of a variable. This convention is particularly useful when iteration is being carried out over sequences; here you only need the index or specific elements.


In this specific example, the enumerate() function is deployed to iterate over the fruits list. In place of creating a variable to indicate the actual fruit name, we use an underscore as a placeholder to show that the value is not necessary in this context. This process helps improve code readability and prevents unnecessary variable names when their values are not anyway utilized.

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

for index, _ in enumerate(fruits):
   print(f"The fruit at index {index} is delicious!")


The fruit at index 0 is delicious!
The fruit at index 1 is delicious!
The fruit at index 2 is delicious!

Ignoring Values with _

It is always possible to use the underscore to ignore or avoid certain values when unpacking sequences or tuples in Python.


Here, in this code example, we unpack the tuple containing name, gender, and age. The underscore is made use of to ignore the gender value as it is not needed in this specific context. By using the underscore, we proceed to signal that the value is present but not relevant to our code logic.

name, _, age = ("Jason", "Male", 30)

print(f"{name} is {age} years old.")


Jason is 30 years old.

Handling Unused Loop Variables

We know that Python's "for" loops more often than not require a variable for iteration; but in case you don't need its value, you can always use the underscore to prevent use of unnecessary variable names.


Here, we allow the use of list comprehension to square each number in the numbers list. The underscore acts as a placeholder for the index variable as we only need the value of the numbers.

numbers = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
squared_numbers = [num ** 2 for num, _ in enumerate(numbers)]



[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]

Localization and Internationalization

The underscore, you realize, plays a critical role in situations where localization and internationalization of Python applications is required.


In this code, the underscore is utilized to declare a function greet_user(). This function is being used for localized greetings based on the user's language settings. The underscore usage means that the code for getting the localized greeting is intentionally omitted for conciseness. This strategy helps structure the code and shows that the specific implementation details can be read elsewhere in the program.

def greet_user():
   # Code for getting localized greeting based on the user's language settings
   localized_greeting = get_localized_greeting()


# More code follows...

The humble underscore in Python plays a remarkably significant role; it serves as a versatile companion in organization and in code readability. It is immaterial whether you use it as a placeholder variable, to handle unused loop variables, or to ignore values, the underscore helps make your Python code more expressive and concise. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in the processes of localization and internationalization, enhancing the user experience of your applications.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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