How does the pandas series.divmod() method work?\n

The divmod() method in the pandas series constructor is used to perform integer division and modulo of two series objects. We can calculate the divmod() of one series with a scalar value. And we can perform element-wise divmod() operation.

The method returns a python tuple with two series objects, the first series of the tuple is representing the integer division results, and the second series object of the tuple representing the modulo division results.

The method performs an element-wise division operation of two series objects. There is a parameter called fill_value, which is used to fill the specified values in the place of missing values while executing the divmod() method, by default it will fill missing values with Nan.

Example 1

# import pandas packages
import pandas as pd

# Creating Series objects
series1 = pd.Series([96, 75, 23, 17, 30], index=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'])
print('First series object:',series1)

series2 = pd.Series([8, 6, 4, 5, 3], index=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F'])
print('second series object:',series2)

print("Divmod of Series1 and Series2:", series1.divmod(series2))


In this example, we will divide two series objects by using the divmod() method without changing any default parameter values.


First series object:
A 96
B 75
C 23
D 17
E 30
dtype: int64

second series object:
A 8
B 6
C 4
D 5
F 3
dtype: int64

Divmod of Series1 and Series2:
(A 12.0
B  12.0
C   5.0
D   3.0
E   NaN
F   NaN
dtype: float64,

A 0.0
B 3.0
C 3.0
D 2.0
dtype: float64)

In the above output block, we can see the tuple of two series objects. The First object represents the integer division values and the second one represents the modulo values of the divmod() method on two series objects.

Example 2

# import pandas packages
import pandas as pd

# Creating Series objects
series1 = pd.Series([36, 85, 4, 13, 34], index=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'])
print('First series object:',series1)

series2 = pd.Series([7, 8, 1, 6, 8], index=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F'])
print('second series object:',series2)

print("Divmod of Series1 and Series2:", series1.divmod(series2, fill_value=10))


Initially, we have created two pandas Series with labeled indexes. After that, we applied the divmod() method with the fill_value parameter.


First series object:
A 36
B 85
C  4
D 13
E 34
dtype: int64

second series object:
A 7
B 8
C 1
D 6
F 8
dtype: int64

Divmod of Series1 and Series2:
(A 5.0
B 10.0
C  4.0
D  2.0
E  3.0
F  1.0
dtype: float64,

A 1.0
B 5.0
C 0.0
D 1.0
E 4.0
F 2.0
dtype: float64)

In the above output block, we can see the tuple of two series objects. While executing divmod() method the Nan values are replaced with 10, which is defined by the fill_value parameter.

Updated on: 09-Mar-2022


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