How does “do something OR DIE()†work in Perl?

The die() function can be used to stop the script and can be used to display a message to the end user. It can be used at the right side of the OR ( || ) operator and at left side can be any expression like the eval() function.

Case 1 − Using die() function with no parameter

die() Function no Parameter

The following is the output.

die() function Output

Now we can use $! to print the error number and a message to the user in the die() function.

Case 2 − Use of $! in the die() function

$ die() Function

The following is the output.

$ die() function Output

Case 3 − Display some message to the end user with the die() function

die() Function

The following is the output.

die() function Output

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019

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