How do you write a Javascript code on the HTML page?

The secret to making a dynamic and engaging website is the integration of HTML and JavaScript, A skill important for the developers. The static web pages of HTML are no doubt popular and a stepping stone for beginners, but dynamic and engaging web pages are the ones users prefer. To be able to interact with the website and consume its content is an experience only dynamic web pages can provide.

Integration of JavaScript code into an HTML page is a vital skill for web developers. JavaScript is a potent scripting language that allows developers to add dynamic functionality and interaction to HTML sites.


JavaScript utilizes variables to store data of various types. JavaScript is flexibly typed, in contrast to certain other programming languages, thus variables may store a variety of data types, including integers, texts, booleans, arrays, objects, and more. Using the "let," "const," or "var" keyword, variables are declared.


var myName = 'Arya';
  • Expressions and Operators − The arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical, and ternary operators are just a few of the operators that JavaScript provides. These operators provide you the ability to assign values, compare values, and make condition-based judgments as well as execute mathematical computations.


let w = 4;
w = w + 1;
  • Conditional Statements − It is important to understand conditional statements in JavaScript, like ‘if’, ‘else if’ and ‘else’ to make it more responsive and adaptable.


if (true) {
   console.log('This message will print!'); 
  • JavaScript loops, including "for," "while," and "do...while," let you run a section of code repeatedly. Loops are necessary for effectively managing lists of data, iterating through arrays, and performing repetitive activities.


let sale = true;

sale = false;

if(sale) {
   console.log('Time to buy!');
} else{
   console.log('Time to wait for a sale.');

Understanding scope is essential for using JavaScript. Depending on where they are defined, variables have varied ranges of application. JavaScript's strong idea of closures enables functions to continue to have access to the scope they are enclosed in even after the outer function has completed running.

You may create the foundation for creating more intricate and advanced online apps by grasping these essential JavaScript principles. As you grow in your mastery of JavaScript, you'll come across more complex subjects and capabilities that enable you to build cutting-edge online experiences.

Methods used

  • Inline Script

  • External Script

Inline Script

Using the "script" element, JavaScript code is added directly into the HTML document using the inline script technique. With this method, JavaScript code may be executed right away at the HTML spot where it is put.


  • Include the "script" element into the HTML file to embed JavaScript inline.

  • To specify that the contained content is JavaScript code, include the "type" property within the "script" element and set it to "text/javascript".

  • Your JavaScript code should be written immediately inside the "script" element. Variables, functions, event listeners, and other JavaScript statements can all be added.

  • Positioning the inline script correctly within the HTML text is essential. It can either be put in the ‘head’ or ‘body’ section.

  • Save and open the file on the browser, and repeat the requested action.


<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>How’s Inline JavaScript programmed</title>
   <h1>Hello, Inline JavaScript!</h1>
   <button onclick="showAlert()">Click Me</button>

      function showAlert() {
         alert("You clicked the button!");

For short scripts or one-time use situations, the inline script technique is practical. However, heavy reliance on inline scripts may result in maintenance issues and code duplication. As a best practice, divide your JavaScript code into distinct files and only sometimes utilize the inline script approach for brief interactions or small amounts of code. This method makes it simpler to maintain your JavaScript codebase, increases reusability, and aids in better code structure.

External Script

An external JavaScript file is linked to an HTML page using the external scripting technique. This method maintains the JavaScript code distinct in an external file rather than integrating it directly into the HTML content.


  • Initiate with creating an external JavaScript file is to create a new text file with a.js extension, for example, "script.js.".

  • Linking an External File to HTML − Use the "script" element and the "src" property to link an external JavaScript file to your HTML page. The external JavaScript file's location should be indicated using the "src" element.

  • Placement of the Script Tag − It is advised to place the "script" tag immediately preceding the closing "body" tag (""). By positioning it here, you may prevent potential page rendering delays by ensuring that the browser loads the JavaScript after the complete HTML content has been digested.


<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Writing an External JavaScript Code</title>
   <script src="external.js"></script>
   <h1>Hello, External JavaScript!</h1>
   <button onclick="showAlert()">Click Me</button>

You may keep a clear division between your HTML and JavaScript code by employing the external script technique, which enhances the structure and maintainability of your code. When working with bigger JavaScript codebases or having to use the same JavaScript code on several web pages, this method is extremely helpful. It guarantees a more effective, organized, and expert development process.


Concludingly, It’s a valuable skill to be able to integrate JavaScript and HTML, necessarily for those who wish to develop dynamic and engaging web pages. In this article, we tried to study a number of methods for JavaScript and HTML integration. To use any of the methods mentioned, there are certain customization requirements and technical proficiency you would require.

We also covered some basics of JavaScript coding, so that the coders can familiarize themselves with the JavaScript language first before they get into the integration of it. Developers must be familiar with these concepts in order to handle events, work with the DOM, and design typical use cases like form validation, image sliders, and AJAX queries.

Developers are offered countless opportunities to build unique, user-focused online experiences by incorporating JavaScript into HTML sites. Thus it’s a skill worth the time and practice you put into it.

Updated on: 18-Aug-2023


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