How do you think apps have changed learning?

When I was studying, the only way to get important updates regarding my studies was to reach school/college and get in touch with the teacher. This used to devour hell lot of time of ours and sometimes it would hardly prove fruitful. Now, the smartphone has revolutionized the whole scenario and today’s kids can easily get their queries resolved in no time. Mobile applications have proved such a breakthrough, which has opened new doors of lightning fast learning. Apps not only save their time but also make learning facile.

Importance of Apps

The CEO of career lift Mr. Nitil Gupta points out,

“Apps have been used in every sector like banking, finance, manufacturing, media, entertainment, healthcare, business, and education now. Students get every update through apps because they are created keeping the needs of the students in mind.”

A Powerful Means of Dialogue

Being a strong medium of dialogues turns an app a key to success for not only the students but for the whole educational set up. This helps to establish a better relationship between students and institutions that was far-fetched at one moment. A good app ensures that the faculty and answer the queries of the learners more efficiently and hence make it more transparent and build the trust.

A Very Novel Way of Learning

Apps have completely changed of learning by making it more collaborative as well as interesting. It has sown the seed of a new era.  Now, they can easily get in touch with the Subject matter expert and get your query resolved instantly.  


Focus On Creative Learning

Currently, there are a number of educational apps available on the internet. These apps are interactive and become more effective with visual presentation. Their alluring quotient is strengthened with collaborative tools. A learner can easily learn new things because these apps focus on creative learning.

Updated on: 04-May-2022


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