How Do You Memorize BABoK?

BABoK, or Business Analysis Body of Knowledge, is a prime subject for business analyst students. The book contains 50 techniques to learn how to do business analysis under several critical situations. Primarily, the book is the practical guide for the practice and the last word to learn analysis techniques in almost all ways.

What is BABoK?

Business Analysis Body of Knowledge has undergone several versions in its previous history, and today we will talk about its v3 version. The book contains all the practiced methods and techniques, which are elaborately described. International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBM), Canada, published the book, which offers the core techniques of the business world.

The fundamental techniques will guide you on how you should make a decision or adopt skill to resolve matters that suddenly appears to disrupt the business process. Those who have already gone through the book know that all the descriptive methods, techniques, and practical guidance are based on real-world business problems, not assumptions.

BABoK covers 6 core business areas in its editions. Let's know them.

The 6 Core Areas of BABoK

  • Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring

  • Elicitation and Collaboration

  • Requirements Life cycle Management

  • Strategy Analysis

  • Requirements Analysis and Design Definition

  • Solution Evaluation

The book contains 6 Knowledge Areas ( KA) and 30 business analysis tasks for students and aspirants. The knowledge area includes logical tasks that students must learn to cope with several business consequences. Here are the 50 techniques students should know before going for deep study.

The 50 Techniques of BABoK

  • Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria

  • Backlog Management

  • Balanced Scorecard

  • Benchmarking and Market Analysis

  • Brainstorming Ideas

  • Business Capability Analysis

  • Business Cases

  • Business Model Canvas

  • Business Rules Analysis

  • Collaborative Games

  • Concept Modelling

  • Data Dictionary

  • Data Flow Diagram

  • Data Mining

  • Data Modeling

  • Decision Analysis

  • Decision Modeling

  • Document Analysis

  • Estimation

  • Financial Analysis

  • Focus Groups

  • Financial Decomposition

  • Glossary

  • Interface Analysis

  • Interviews

  • Item Tracking

  • Lessons Learned

  • Metrics and Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs)

  • Mind Mapping

  • Non-Functional Requirements Analysis

  • Observation

  • Organizational Modeling

  • Prioritization

  • Process Analysis

  • Process Modeling

  • Prototyping

  • Reviews

  • Risk Analysis and Management

  • Roles and Permission Matrix

  • Root Cause Analysis

  • Scope Modeling

  • Sequence Diagrams

  • Stakeholders List, Map, or Personas

  • State Modeling

  • Survey Or Questionnaire

  • SWOT Analysis

  • Use Cases and Scenarios

  • User Stories

  • Vendor Assessment

  • Workshops

The techniques are described to enhance the analysis capabilities so that the envision helps in the organization's operation. Further, students can apply the perspective in their workplace and gather practical in-hand experience.

What Does the Mind-map in BABoK v3 Techniques Try to Explain?

Mind maps emphasize the relationship between techniques and knowledge areas. It helps students to optimize the maximum knowledge and helps in achieving associated real business world issues. In short, a Mind map builds up a robust analytical power that allows individuals to sense any industry's future challenges.

The book explains all the core sectors of the business world. If you start digging, you'll realize nothing exists beyond the book that covers all aspects.

The human brain can memorize 5/8/10 techniques at the most, and those with God-gifted IQ can learn extended mode. But 50 methods are difficult to remember as each technique has a sub-division, and student needs to understand every core area.

Though it's not easy, simple too, you need to adopt a few simple methods to memorize all these 50 techniques.

How to Memorize BABoK?

You can grab the 50 techniques using your sense of understanding. It's simple yet powerful if you can practice consistently. We suggest a few tips so that you can explain them in your examination.

Must remember tips -

  • Understand the techniques after resonating with real-life incidents or experiences. It'll help you remember better.

  • Categorizing the techniques helps you sort into subgroups, and you can easily break them into small portions to learn and remember.

  • Learn case studies as much as possible so that you can understand the application of the techniques on the practical ground.

  • After case studies, map them with your collective knowledge. You can tally them with your database and grab the meaning of the techniques

  • You can prepare your own structure to memorize long terms and lengthy descriptions, but remember, the design must be yours.

  • You can prepare a table, database, and several formats to understand and memorize the whole book.

  • Try to create a short name for every technique to help you quickly recall your exam time.

  • Try to find out the common Wh answers like Why, When, What, and How

  • You can prepare a case study and solve the problem using techniques. It'll stay with you for a long time.

  • Study hard but smartly, identify your weaker section and work on it; fix it.

  • Read business books as much as possible and understand what kinds of problems they're discussing and how they solve to handle the situation.

  • Discuss with your friends about your findings and ask them to share their findings; group discussion is helpful to get better clarity.

  • You can hire a mentor if possible, affordable and available.

So, these are a few practical notes to memorize all the techniques.


Memorizing 50 techniques is impossible in a single day, so don’t dare to do that. Instead, you can split the chapters into small parts and start studying. Then, read, learn and write down the key points you cannot understand and find the answers. Finally, increase your curiosity which can drive you to dig deep, and you can grab the complete concepts of BABoK. Remember, a few things are still unclear, and you will get clarity once you jump into the job world and face the real challenges.

Updated on: 09-Dec-2022


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