How do I put background images to frames in HTML?

To put background pictures in frames in HTML, you'll use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). By applying CSS properties to the outline components, you'll set a foundation for each outline. The CSS property "background-image" is used to indicate the URL of the picture you need to use as the foundation. You'll also alter other background-related properties such as background-size, background-repeat, and background-position to control how the picture shows up inside the outline. By including these CSS properties in the fitting outline components, you'll be able to successfully apply foundation pictures to outlines in your HTML report, upgrading the visual introduction and general plan of your site.

Methods Used

  • Inline CSS

  • Internal CSS

  • External CSS

Inline CSS

Inline CSS is an approach to applying styling straightforwardly to HTML components inside the "fashion" property. Within the setting of putting foundation pictures in outlines in HTML, inline CSS permits you to indicate the foundation picture property for person outlines. To implement this approach, you'd add the "fashion" property to each outline component and set its value to "background-image: url('image.jpg');" where 'image.jpg' is the URL or way to the specified foundation picture. This inline CSS announcement supersedes any outside or inner CSS rules connected to the outlines, giving a particular and customised foundation picture for each outline. Inline CSS offers a fast and clear way to apply styling on a per-element basis without the need for outside fashion sheets or extra CSS rules.


  • Start by characterising the HTML structure that incorporates the outlines where you need to set foundation images.

  • For each outline component, include the "fashion" attribute.

  • Within the "style" trait, set the esteem to "background-image: url('image.jpg');". Supplant 'image.jpg' with the URL or way to the specified foundation picture for that particular frame.

  • Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each outline component where you need to set a foundation image.

  • Save the HTML record with the changes.

  • Open the HTML record in a web browser to see the outlines with the foundation pictures connected.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      .frame {
         background-image: url('image3.jpg');
         background-size: contain;
         width: 500px;
         height: 400px;
         border: 1px solid black;
   <div class="frame"></div>

Internal CSS

Internal CSS, within the setting of putting foundation pictures to outlines in HTML, alludes to the approach of characterising CSS styles inside the piece straightforwardly inside the HTML document. With internal CSS, you'll be able to target the outline components using CSS selectors and specify the foundation picture property. Inside the piece, you'll be able to set the "background-image" property to the URL of the specified picture. This permits you to customise the foundation picture exclusively for each outline or apply the same picture to different outlines. Inner CSS gives a helpful way to keep the CSS styles inside the HTML report itself, making it self-contained and simple to oversee.


  • Start by making an HTML archive and opening the <fashion> piece inside the section.

  • Inside the <style> piece, characterise CSS selectors to target the outline elements.

  • Within the CSS selectors, set the "background-image" property to the URL of the specified image.

  • Save the CSS styles and put them close to the style> block.

  • In the area, use the component to characterise the format and structure of the frames.

  • Within the component, indicate the <outline> components with their particular traits, such as "src" and "name".

  • Apply the CSS styles to the <outline> components by including the "style" quality and referencing the CSS selectors characterised within the <fashion> block.

  • Save the HTML record and open it in a web browser to see the outlines with the foundation pictures applied.

  • Optionally, alter the CSS styles or include more outlines with foundation pictures as needed.

  • Continue with the remaining substance and usefulness of the frameset as required.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      .frame1 {
         background-image: url("image1.jpg");
         width: 50%;
         height: 100vh;
         float: left;
         border: 1px solid black;

      .frame2 {
         background-image: url("image2.jpg");
         width: 50%;
         height: 100vh;
         float: right;
         border: 1px solid black;

      .frame3 {
         background-image: url("image3.jpg");
         width: 100%;
         height: 100vh;
         clear: both;
         border: 1px solid black;
   <div class="frame1"></div>
   <div class="frame2"></div>
   <div class="frame3"></div>

External CSS

Within the context of including foundation pictures as outlined in HTML, the External CSS approach includes making an isolated CSS record and connecting it to the HTML archive. With this approach, you characterise rules for the outline components within the CSS record by utilising selectors particular to the outlines. At that point, you set the background image property inside those rules to indicate the required picture. By keeping the CSS code partitioned from the HTML record, it advances the organisation and viability of your code. Also, outside CSS allows for the reusability of styles over different HTML records, guaranteeing consistency in the appearance of outlines with foundation pictures all through your site.


  • The first step is to create a new CSS record, e.g., "styles.css," and open it for editing.

  • Inside the CSS record, characterise a rule particular to outlines by employing an outline selector. For illustration, you'll be able to utilise the "outline" component selector or a course selector in the event that you have doled out a particular course to your frames.

  • Within the outline selector, set the "background-image" property and indicate the URL of the picture record you need to use as the foundation for the outlines. You'll be able to utilise the "url()" function to reference the picture file.

  • Save the CSS record and close it.

  • Open the HTML record that contains the frameset or layout elements.

  • In the head zone of the HTML record, interface the CSS record by using the "interface" component. Set the "rel" property to "stylesheet" and the "href" quality to the title of your CSS file.

  • Save the HTML record and open it in a web browser.

  • The traces in your HTML report have to, as of now, have the required establishment pictures associated with them.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      .frame {
         background-image: url('image3.jpg');
         background-size: contain;
         width: 500px;
         height: 400px;
         border: 1px solid black;
   <div class="frame"></div>


This article gives direction on how to include foundation pictures in outlines in HTML, utilising distinctive approaches such as inline CSS, inside CSS, and outside CSS. It clarifies the steps included in each approach, counting the fundamental CSS properties and selectors to set the foundation for outlines. The article, too, emphasises the points of interest of each strategy and their effect on the visual introduction and plan of the site. Generally, it offers comprehensive clarification and commonsense cases to assist perusers in viably joining foundation pictures into outlines in HTML records.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023

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