How do I link a C++ program with an HTML page?

WebAssembly (Wasm), a parallel guidance design that empowers superior execution dialects like C++ to execute in internet browsers, is utilized to connect a C++ application with a HTML page. Engineers can make online applications with C++ usefulness because of WebAssembly, which empowers consistent coordination of C++ code with HTML and JavaScript. Here is a bit by bit instructional exercise for using WebAssembly to interface a C++ program with a HTML page.

Install the Required Tools

Before you begin, you should set up the accompanying equipment −

  • If you don't already have a C++ compiler, consider installing GCC (GNU Compiler Assortment) or Visual C++.

  • SDK for Emscripten − Emscripten is a toolchain that transforms C and C++ applications into WebAssembly. Download and install the Emscripten SDK from its official website (

Write the C++ Code

As you would for a run of the mill C++ application, compose your C++ code. Recollect that the program climate doesn't permit a few capabilities, for example, direct equipment access and document I/O. Focus on registering processes and different tasks that don't need operating system explicit attributes.

Let's build a straightforward C++ method to determine a number's factorial, for illustration −

int factorial(int n) {
   if (n == 0 || n == 1) 
      return 1;
      return n * factorial(n - 1);

Compile the C++ Code to WebAssembly

To change over the C++ code to WebAssembly design, utilize the Emscripten SDK. Go to the catalog containing your C++ code by opening the terminal or order brief and choosing it.

Use the accompanying order to incorporate the C++ code to WebAssembly −

emcc factorial.cpp -o factorial.js -s WASM=1

By using the -s WASM=1 flag, this command instructs Emscripten to convert "factorial.cpp" into "factorial.js" with WebAssembly output enabled.

Create the HTML Page

In order to host your WebAssembly module, create an HTML page. This page will communicate with the C++ functions and load the WebAssembly module.


<!DOCTYPE html> 
   <title>WebAssembly C++ Example</title> 
   <script src="factorial.js"></script> 
   <h1>WebAssembly C++ Example</h1>
      Module.onRuntimeInitialized = function () { 
         const num = 5; 
         const result = Module._factorial(num); 
         console.log(`Factorial of ${num} is ${result}`);

The "factorial.js" script, which contains the WebAssembly module that has been assembled, is included in the HTML file mentioned above. The factorial function is called by the JavaScript code contained in the script> element, which then logs the outcome to the console.

Test the Application

Open a new browser window and choose the "index.html" file. The JavaScript code will load the WebAssembly module before calling the factorial function with num set to 5 and writing the result (120) to the browser console.

Host the Web Application (Optional)

You can host the HTML page and the "factorial.js" file on a web server if you wish to make the program available to other people.

Deployment Considerations

Options for hosting

  • Facilitating for static sites − You can utilize static site facilitating administrations like GitHub Pages, Netlify, or Vercel for clear applications. You can have static records, like HTML, JavaScript, and WebAssembly modules, on these stages.

  • Facilitating in the cloud − Consider cloud facilitating organizations like Amazon Web Administrations (AWS), Google Cloud Stage (GCP), or Microsoft Purplish blue for more muddled applications. These stages give a scope of web application organization and the board administrations, including support for WebAssembly-based applications.

  • Self-Facilitated Servers − You can set up your own server and use Nginx or Apache to serve the web application on the off chance that you'd like more command over the sending climate.

Improved Performance

  • Compression and minification − Reduce the size of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files through minification and compression to speed up the loading of online applications.

  • Optimization of WebAssembly − To decrease load times, reduce the size of the WebAssembly module using Emscripten's options (for example, -Oz for size optimization).


Utilize caching techniques to cache static files in the user's browser, which will cut down on server queries and boost performance.

  • HTTPS − To encrypt data transmission between the server and the client, enable HTTPS on your web server.

  • Validation of Input − Make sure the program verifies user input to avoid security flaws like code injection attacks.

  • Mitigation of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) − Use Content Security Policy (CSP) headers to sanitize user input to implement countermeasures to XSS attacks.


  • Load balancing − To manage rising user demand, think about utilizing load balancing to split up incoming traffic among several servers.

  • Auto-Scaling − Make sure the application can handle fluctuations in user traffic by configuring auto-scaling to automatically add or remove server resources based on traffic flow.


  • User testing − Make sure the program is user-friendly and functions as expected by doing rigorous user testing.

  • Performance Evaluation − To determine how the application responds to various traffic conditions and locate any bottlenecks, perform load testing.

Observation and Logging

  • Tools for Monitoring − Utilize monitoring tools to keep tabs on resource usage, server performance, and any problems.

  • Logging errors − Set up error logging to record and examine application faults, assisting you in proactively identifying and resolving problems.

User Instructions

  • Give consumers thorough and understandable documentation so they can utilize the web application efficiently.

  • Developmental Records − The deployment procedure, server configurations, and any setup necessary for upcoming upkeep and upgrades should all be documented.


The use of WebAssembly enables the linking of a C++ program with an HTML page. Using WebAssembly, programmers can leverage the speed and effectiveness of C++ while seamlessly integrating it with HTML and JavaScript to build robust web apps. You may successfully convert C++ code to WebAssembly and interact with it through an HTML page by following the step-by-step instructions, allowing you to investigate the potential of merging C++ with web development for improved functionality and user experiences.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023

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