How do I get a list of all instances of a given class in Python?

The gc or weakref module is used to get a list of all instances of a given class. First, we will install the gc module using pip −

pip install gc

To use the gc module, use the import −

import gc

Get the instances of a class using the gc module

In this example, we have created a Demo class with four instances −

ob1 = Demo()
ob2 = Demo()
ob3 = Demo()
ob4 = Demo()

We loop through the objects in memory −

for ob in gc.get_objects():


Using the isinstance(), each object is checked for an instance of the class Demo. Let us see the complete example −

import gc # Create a Class class Demo: pass # Four objects ob1 = Demo() ob2 = Demo() ob3 = Demo() ob4 = Demo() # Display all instances of a given class for ob in gc.get_objects(): if isinstance(ob, Demo): print(ob)


<__main__.Demo object at 0x000001E0A407FC10>
<__main__.Demo object at 0x000001E0A407EBC0>
<__main__.Demo object at 0x000001E0A407EBF0>
<__main__.Demo object at 0x000001E0A407EC20>

Display the count of instances of a class using the gc module


In this example, we will calculate and display the count of instances −

import gc # Create a Class class Demo(object): pass # Creating 4 objects ob1 = Demo() ob2 = Demo() ob3 = Demo() ob4 = Demo() # Calculating and displaying the count of instances res = sum(1 for k in gc.get_referrers(Demo) if k.__class__ is Demo) print("Count the instances = ",res)


Count the instances = 4

Display the instances of a class using weakref module

The weakref module can also be used to get the instances of a class. First, we will install the weakref module using pip −

pip install weakref

To use the gc module, use the import −

import weakref


Let us now see an example −

import weakref # Create a Demo() function class Demo: instanceArr = [] def __init__(self, name=None): self.__class__.instanceArr.append(weakref.proxy(self)) = name # Create 3 objects ob1 = Demo('ob1') ob2 = Demo('ob2') ob3 = Demo('ob3') # Display the Instances for i in Demo.instanceArr: print(



Updated on: 16-Sep-2022

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