How do I get a job as a Python developer?

In this article, we will learn the tips to get a job as a Python developer.

You can become a Python Developer in various ways because no specific background or experience is required. But it all starts with a specialized set of skills, specifically mastery of the Python programming language.

Many developers believe that the Python programming language offers many advantages over other programming languages.

Python Developer

A Python Developer is a member of a software team who is skilled in the creation, design, and delivery of Python-based computer applications and other systems. In Python-based development projects, a python developer is also responsible for detecting and correcting issues (debugging).

Python is a fantastic, user-friendly programming language. Python developers are responsible for a wide range of responsibilities, including −

  • Web Development
  • Scripting Design
  • Web Frameworks for new codes
  • Services for Automation Deployment
  • Data Examination
  • Web Scraping

Python programmers may achieve a great deal with a programming language that is both simple and flexible.

How do I get a job as a Python developer?

Follow the below-given steps to become a complete Python developer so that you can get the job very easily.

Create Your GitHub Repository

When you are interviewing for a position as a Python developer, your GitHub repository also works as your résumé. Instead of sending zip files with samples of your work, recruiters can look at them on the developer platform.

Create a GitHub repository for your Python projects and practice work. Even if it is only a simple piece of code you wrote or a modification to an existing piece of code. Every bit of work is important.

Learn Python Reading and Writing

Because Python is very simple and intuitive to learn for beginners, a Python Programming course, online tutorial, or coding boot camp could help you quickly learn how to read and write in the language and leave you feeling like a Python pro in a very short period.

Python is typically regarded as the best first programming language to learn since it is versatile, general-purpose, and widely popular.

It's a fantastic choice as an introductory language because it's short and easy to read, especially for folks who don't know anything about coding or computer science. And since it is so versatile — it can be used for everything from web development to software development to scientific applications — it is a language that every programmer should have in their toolbox.

Python is also popular for Back-End Developers, Data Scientists, and Machine Learning Engineers.

Because it is quite simple, some courses claim you can become a Python professional within as few as 25 hours.

Because Python has so many uses, Python skills can be useful in a variety of other employment roles, even if you only have a basic understanding of how it works.

Create Proper Documentation

Proper documentation aids in the improvement of code readability. Keep in mind that your GitHub repository should have a README file. The README file should contain introductory information about your project, such as what it does, the libraries that are used, and so on.

The README file is useful for readers who want to learn from your code or experiment with various implementations.

Work on Python projects to improve your skills.

Working on Python projects is a solid method to improve your Python programming skills.

Getting your hands dirty on an enjoyable project will sharpen your skills and ensure that you're ready for future challenges.

The following are a few ideas for Python projects to get you started −

  • Create a website − This may seem simple, but coming up with a website idea and building it with a framework like Django or Flask is a great way to gain Python knowledge.

  • Develop a game − This may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Python, but there are some incredible libraries available (like Pyglet, Panda3D, and Pygame) to assist you in creating a game with the code. Bonus points if you have youngsters who can put it to the test.

  • Create a web service − You'll want to practice constructing a web service, and frameworks like Falcon or, again, Flask can be useful.

  • Collect information from the Internet − Python is a popular data retrieval tool, and there are several fantastic libraries available to make your life much easier.

Write Readable Code

Though this seems obvious, it is worth stating. When writing code, ensure that it is readable and understandable by others. After all, if recruiters are looking at your code on GitHub, they need to understand what you've done or it could be used against you.

PEP 8 style guidelines, for example, are available to assist you in writing readable code. They suggest utilizing the following −

  • Indentation
  • Tabs and spaces
  • Maximum line length
  • Proper Naming conventions
  • Line breaks
  • Blank lines
  • Source file encoding
  • String quotes
  • White spaces in expressions
  • Trailing commas

Read Other People's Code about Your Skill Level

Many people on GitHub have distinct and well-organized coding styles. Learning from other Python developers is one of the finest methods to improve your coding style. Examine other codes that are similar to your ability level to get an idea of the various styles available.

Fredrik Lundh, Kenneth Reitz, Armin Ronacher, Raymond Hettinger, Doug Hellmann, and Daniel Roy Greenfeld are among the most popular GitHub developers.

Create a Portfolio of Python Projects You've Done

As you gain experience with the Python programming language, it's essential to create a portfolio of projects accomplished with Python to display your work, which should include importing, exporting, and manipulating data sets and visualizations like graphs and bar charts, and more.

Tips for creating a Python Portfolio

  • Try projects like managing your computer's files, keeping track of digital collections, or training a neural network.

  • Graphs, bar charts, and other charts can help you visualize your data and tasks.

  • Place your projects on a portfolio display platform like Github.

  • Enroll in a Python Programming course and include the coursework as well as the final project in your portfolio.

If you're not actively working and expanding your portfolio daily, use this time to explore project ideas that you can implement and later add to your GitHub. When it comes time to apply for Python Developer employment, you'll be able to demonstrate to an employer that you know how to get your hands dirty with code. Project ideas include organizing files on your computer, keeping track of your digital collections, and training a neural network.

Another alternative is to enrol in one of the many Python Programming courses available. You'll be able to build your portfolio and learn Python under the supervision and instruction of an industry expert who understands exactly what employers are looking for.

You'll also obtain a certification, which will help you distinguish yourself from others and may lead to a higher Python Developer income.

Learn Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Machine Learning(ML) with Python

It is never enough to simply learn a language; you must also practice it. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are two of the most important Python applications. Learn about the many algorithms used in these fields and put them to use in projects.

Master these skills and include them in your GitHub repository to boost your worth as a Python developer.

Do Freelance Projects

If you want to be a Python developer, you must write code and create projects. You must also take freelancing work from others. Having finished projects in your repository, whether paid or unpaid, will pay off in the long run.

You can look for freelance work as a python developer on the following websites −

  • Linkedin
  • Freelancer
  • Upwork
  • Twago
  • PeoplePerHour
  • Fiverr
  • Truelancer

Make Open Source Contributions

You can browse other people's GitHub repositories and contribute to their related projects. This practice demonstrates your ability to operate as part of a team by adding value to previous work.

Some popular open-source Python projects to which you can contribute are −

  • Pipenv − Python Development Workflow for Humans

  • Chatistics − Python scripts to parse your Messenger, Hangouts, and Telegram chat logs into DataFrames

  • Som-TCP − Using Self-Organizing Maps to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem

  • Py2bpf − python to bpf (Berkeley Packet Filter bytecode) converter

Maintain a Daily Practice Schedule

You should not quit coding just because you have mastered the language. To become a Python developer, you should set aside some time each day to write code so that you are familiar with every feature of Python. Every day, write something, whether it's simple or complex code. You will remember lessons better if you continue to use them.

Maintain an up-to-date resume and profile on job boards.

Check that your information on job portals like LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and CareerBuilder is up to date. Always keep an eye out for Python developer jobs on these sites, and keep your resume up to date so that recruiters see you.


In this article, we learned what a Python developer does, how to find a job as a Python developer, and what to learn and practice.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2022


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