How do I create a user interface through Python?

In this article, we will learn how to create a user interface using python.

What is GUI?

The term "Graphical User Interface" (or "GUI") refers to a set of visual elements that may be interacted with in computer software to display informational and interactive items. In response to human input, objects may change appearance characteristics like as color, size, and visibility. Graphical components like icons, cursors, and buttons can be enhanced with audio or visual effects like transparency to create a graphical user interface (GUI).

If you want more people to use your platform, you need to make sure it has a good user interface. This is because the combination of these factors greatly affects the quality of the service provided by your app or website.

Python is widely used by developers because it provides a wide variety of frameworks for building graphical user interfaces. Because of Python's interactive nature, creating a graphical user interface framework is a breeze. The GUI frameworks available in Python range from Cross-Platform to Platform-Specific.

Python GUI Frameworks include many features, which might be difficult for developers with intermediate or beginner skills, but learning them is simple. Python is the most widely used language on StackOverflow, and its tremendous development options have piqued the interest of programmers all around the world. The problem arises if they start going crazy while developing the program. When doing so, it will be crucial for them to find a suitable medium between performance, security, and speed; doing so will help them create apps that are more user-friendly and focused on their needs, while also featuring strong, user-friendly, and smooth user interfaces.

The following are the best Python libraries for Graphical User Interface(GUI) −


PyGUI, short for Python Graphical User Interface Project, is such a framework. Developers may create apps with special Python features using the interposing features of PyGUI, which allow them to write less code between their apps and the basic resources of this pythonic GUI Platform. This GUI project is cross-platform, so you may use it with Windows, Unix, or the most recent macOS software.

In fact, this lightweight framework's documentation is organized in a way that makes it possible for developers and other programmers to simply design and develop UIs (User Interfaces) without constantly referring to other GUI frameworks. PyGUI is compatible with Python 2 and 3, and it may be installed with minimal effort.


Kivy is one of the most popular cross-platform development frameworks. Kivy allows you to utilize Python to create applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Windows, and a variety of other web applications.

The library is built on Python and Cython. It features superb multi-touch capability, utilizing the full power of a device's screen for input.

It also supports gestures and other types of input, making it an excellent choice for designing modern applications.

Kivy employs a visual programming language that combines parts of node-based and GUIM-based programming. These features contribute to the library's adaptability and efficiency.

It may, however, fall short when it comes to creating intuitive, complicated GUIs. Kivy is open-source and free software licensed under the MIT License.

Before you can install Kivy, you must first complete a few prerequisites, such as updating Python and installing pip. Please enter the following code −

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools virtualenv

Next, set up a virtual environment in which to test and install Kivy and its dependencies. You can create a virtual environment kivy_venv by doing the following −

python -m virtualenv kivy_venv

Using the activate command, activate the virtual environment −

source ./kivy_venv/bin/activate

Finally, with the virtual environment activated, use the kivy[base] command to install Kivy. This installs the very minimum of dependencies, as well as the basic GUI software installation.

pip install "kivy[base]"


Tkinter has attracted a large community of Python programmers that are eager to help outfit Tk as a GUI Toolkit. what does this toolbox contain? The program provides a set of fundamental GUI Widgets that may be used to create a lightweight, free, and accessible UI. Such highly configurable GUI Widgets include −

  • Buttons are used to get input from the user.

  • Checkboxes are used to group things like colors, black-and-white images, and border size.

  • File dialogues let you send files to and from the app.

  • Labels to show information in text form.

  • Canvas lets developers make charts and graphs by drawing and painting them.

  • Frame gives your application's structure a significant amount of flexibility.

To make desktop or Python GUI apps, all you have to do now is look through the TKinter documentation and learn how to use many of its GUI features.


One of the most used Python GUI frameworks is PyQt5, which was made by Riverbank Computing. The PyQt package is based on the Qt framework, which is a framework for building applications that can run on many different platforms.

PyQt5 works on all platforms, so programmers can use it to make apps for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. It comes with the QtGUI and QtDesigner modules, which give developers visual elements they can drag and drop to use. You can also choose to make the element with code, which makes it easy to make both small and large applications.

Here are some of the best things about PyQt5 −

  • Coding adaptability(versatility)

  • Various UI elements

  • Numerous learning resources

  • A wide range of native platform APIs for networking, database management, and other purposes.


PySimpleGUI is a wrapper around the Tkinter, Qt, and WxPython GUI frameworks. It converts them into a simple and consistent API.

The idea is to make it easy for individuals to design GUIs without having to master all of the complexities of various APIs. It shortens the learning curve for APIs and enables you up to focus on the logic of your code.

It accomplishes all of this by offering a consistent API that is consistent across all GUI APIs.

Use the following code to install PySimpleGUI −

pip install PySimpleGUI


As an open-source language, Python provides a range of alternatives to accommodate various development requirements.

These are a few of the most popular and effective Python GUI frameworks on the market. These frameworks make it simple and safe for programmers to construct GUI interfaces. You may select the Python GUI framework that is ideal for you based on your needs.

Updated on: 12-Jan-2023


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