How do I become an expert Python programmer?

This article will show you how to become an expert in Python programming.

Learning Beginners Topics

In this section, any new beginner should concentrate on fundamental programming concepts and properly grasp the basic components of programming.

The following is the list of recommendations for a beginner to become an expert python programmer −

  • Variables − You must understand how variables work, the different types of variables, the scope of variables, and why we even need variables in programming. You can also learn about mutable and immutable data types, which are selfexplanatory.

  • Operators − Operators are important in programming since they are the tools that are used for computation, variable assignment, condition evaluation, and loops.

  • Conditions − When it comes to decision-making conditions are dominant. You will need to understand Boolean conditions, conditional chaining, and the statements used to check conditions in this section. This is commonly associated with loops and iteration. You must be familiar with the various loops accessible in the language, such as for and while loops.

  • Basic Data Structures − Data structures play a key role in every program. There are various other data structures to learn, but the primary focus should be on lists, sets, dictionaries, and tuples.

  • Functions − Functions are important in any program. The combination of many functions within your programs is what causes the program to behave as expected.

  • Basic understanding of IO operations − This is not a difficult task. How to read from a text file is the concept to understand. How do you save a text file? Can you read CSV files? These are things you may need to accomplish, especially if you want to create real-world apps or store something in a file. So it will be the fundamental section for you.

  • Unit testing − You must know how to perform test-driven development in Python or any other programming language.

It is essential that you practice the skills in this area since mastering or having a thorough understanding of the basics will make your Python journey easier.

Learning Intermediate Topics

The following are the main concepts that an intermediate python programmer must learn −

Object-oriented programming (OOP)

Yes, it seems to be a very popular word. It requires a thorough understanding of classes, objects, and many concepts like instantiation, inheritance, abstraction, properties, and others. Learning this will help you a lot. If you only remember one thing from this intermediate level, it's that you need a solid foundation in object-oriented programming in order to understand anything above this level.

Design patterns

When it comes to object-oriented programming, design patterns and best practices are essential.

Data structures

After you've mastered object-oriented, you must learn about data structures. Explore topics like queues, hash maps, and stacks, to name a few. These subjects will be discussed, and knowing the efficiency and temporal complexity in big O notation is crucial. Don't be frightened if you don't grasp some of the terminologies. You will make it.


So list and dictionary comprehensions are extremely cool, fancy-looking things in Python. They are techniques for writing one-liners (writing a whole independent statement in one line).

Lambda functions

These are anonymous functions. These functions are commonly found in collection modules, but they are not limited to them. Learn more about the Lambda function and its finest applications.


This is related to object-oriented programming, but I wanted to list it separately because it is also significant. Investigate further object-oriented notions, such as polymorphism and advanced class behavior.

Dunder Methods

If you've ever seen def__init__ or used a function that looks the same, that's an example of a Python special method. These will be simple to learn once you've mastered the functions in the beginner section.


This is one of Python's best features because pip is a package manager that allows you to include third-party modules in your codes. This is related to learning about Python environments such as Anaconda and how to use them. You will also learn how to design and use your own modules in this section.

If you've made it this far, you deserve to be considered a Python programmer. You're almost ready to be employed as a Python software developer. You don't really need to go into the advanced section because it's usually based on what you need to know. You can learn whenever and wherever you choose as you go. That is not to say you disregard them.

Learning Advanced Topic

The following are the main concepts that an advanced python programmer must learn −


They are associated with object-oriented programming. In layman's terms, they decorate a function or method.


Generators are a method to efficiently use memory in Python. Assume you're generating a collection rather than the whole thing. If you just need access to one item from that collection at a time, you can generate one item at a time. It does not have to be one item; it may be two or three. A generator can be used for this purpose.

Context managers

Context managers are usually indicators of a cleanup operation that occurs after you exit/break the context manager.


Metaclasses are too advanced since they allow you to change how a class behaves at a deeper level.

Concurrency and parallelism

This needs its own article because it is a really long subject to get into.

Concurrency is the task of running and managing numerous computations at the same time, whereas parallelism is the task of running several computations simultaneously.


This might definitely be classified as expert or master level, but Cython is essentially how you develop C code that interacts with Python. So, if I have a really performance-heavy piece of code or operation that needs to be done rapidly and I don't trust Python to do it for me, I can write it in C and then link it up to Python using a module called Cython.

Learning Expert Topics

You most likely have a vision of what you want to do at this stage. Consider it specialization. You can pursue a career in data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), or full-time web development. To be honest, each specialist delves deeper into a specific path chosen. There isn't anything to write about that is relevant at the expert level. Every particular route necessitates more involvement, which you, as the developer, will select.

We cannot offer you a timetable for when you will arrive. It everything usually comes down to your dedication and passion.


This article demonstrated how to become an expert in Python programming. To become an expert in any language, we must first master all of the topics from the ground up, therefore we covered all of the beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert topics in Python.

Updated on: 25-Nov-2022


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