How do I add my own HTML files to WordPress?

With growing popularity of both the Web development apps, the conversion from each is a useful skill to learn. But for the purpose of the article, we'll stick to adding HTML files to Wordpress.

The flexible content management system (CMS) known as WordPress is renowned for its user-friendly interface and myriad customization possibilities. Despite the fact that WordPress has a variety of themes and layouts, you could wish to include particular HTML files or designs into your WordPress website.

Methods Used

  • Creating Custom page templates

  • Using a Plug-in

  • Modifying the WordPress Theme files

Creating Custom Page Template

If you wish to add your own touch to a page, then this method is of use to you. Through this method you can customize your own template and give your page a unique layout and style while still capitulatingCMS's structure and capabilities.


  • Make a fresh PHP file. Start by adding a new PHP file to the directory for your child theme. Put the required HTML code within the PHP file.

  • Start by adding a fresh PHP file to the directory for your child theme. Your unique page template will be contained in this file.

  • Include the HTML code that describes the design and content you desire for your customized page within the PHP file.

  • Include the proper WordPress template tags in the PHP code to make your custom page template dynamic and take advantage of WordPress capabilities. You may use these tags to dynamically display material such as post titles, excerpts, or custom fields.

  • In the directory of your child theme, save the PHP file with a special name, such as "custom-template.php".

  • A page should be given the template − Edit an existing page or create a new one in the WordPress admin dashboard. Choose your unique page template from the choices shown in the "Page Attributes" section of the page editor screen.

  • Customize the page by adding material using the WordPress editor or by manually editing the PHP code. Use WordPress functions or template tags to inject the appropriate text, pictures, or more dynamic material.

You may develop distinctive layouts for particular pages while still utilizing WordPress's content management features by making a custom page template.

Using a plug-in

The WordPress plugin technique entails adding your own HTML files to your website. This strategy is appropriate for those that like a more user-friendly and code-free way.


  • Select a useful plugin − Look for a WordPress plugin that enables you to upload unique HTML content. Popular choices include "Custom HTML" and "HTML Widget." Choose a plugin from the WordPress plugin repository, then install and activate it.

  • Add HTML content − After turning on the plugin, you can begin adding HTML material. You could discover a specific section in the WordPress admin dashboard for the plugin or an HTML widget that you can drag and drop into widgetized parts of your website, such sidebars or footers.

  • Insert and amend the HTML − You can usually find a text editor or input box inside the plugin's settings or widget interface where you can paste your HTML code. Add your HTML text and make any necessary modifications. Additionally, the plugin could include options for styling or formatting the HTML, such as adding inline styles or CSS classes.

  • Control where and how the HTML information is shown on your website by adjusting the display settings, which the plugin may give in addition to the default options. You could be able to choose which pages, articles, or sections should contain HTML, for instance. Set these options up in accordance with your preferences.

  • Save and examine your changes after entering and setting the HTML content. The HTML information on your website may then be previewed to check how it works. If required, make any alterations or revisions.

  • Update the plugin frequently − To guarantee compatibility and security with any plugin, it's critical to do so. Regularly check for plugin updates and install them as they become available.

A user-friendly interface is offered by using a plugin to add HTML content, negating the need for manual coding or theme file alterations. With little to no technical expertise, you may include third-party scripts, embed external information, or create custom HTML components. To reduce potential security threats, use caution when utilizing plugins from third-party sources and make sure they are reliable and well-maintained.

Modifying the WordPress Theme files

In order to add your own HTML files, you must manually alter the theme's code in the WordPress theme files. This method offers many customization but on the down side, requires a solid grasp of HTML, CSS, and PHP.


  • Backup your website − Before you make any changes to your file, have a backup of the file,this will ensure the restoration of the file if something goes wrong.

  • Find a theme file − You can use theme files by using the built-in WordPress editor or FTP access to your WordPress installation. The "/wp-content/themes/" directory is often where themes are kept.

  • Choose the relevant file − Choose the theme file that has to be modified in order to include your HTML content. For instance, you would generally alter the "header.php" file to change the header. Depending on the portion or component you wish to alter, you'll require a certain file.

  • Make the necessary changes − Open a code editor and choose the appropriate theme file. The correct spot in the file is where you should place your HTML code. Make that your HTML code is positioned appropriately, retaining the required formatting and structure.

  • After you have the necessary changes, save the file. If you were using an FTP client, upload it back to your server. After that, thoroughly test your website to make sure that everything functions as it should and that there are no mistakes or problems.

  • Repetition for additional files is required if you need to make changes to several sections or components of your theme.

  • Use a child theme (recommended) − It is advised to use a child theme to prevent losing your customizations during theme upgrades. Duplicate the main directory for your theme, then edit the child theme files to reflect the changes. You may change the parent theme in this manner without wiping away your adjustments.

Note − Modifying theme files directly should be done with caution because any mistakes or inappropriate changes might cause problems with your website. It's critical to properly test your modifications and to have a solid grasp of HTML, CSS, and PHP.

You have complete control over the HTML structure and content of your website by making changes to the WordPress theme files. Large-scale modification is possible, although doing so necessitates maintaining and upgrading the changed code. Using a child theme and regularly backing up your website are crucial steps to protect your customizations and guarantee seamless upgrades in the future.


Customizing and personalizing your website is made possible by adding your own HTML files to WordPress. In this post, we examined a number of strategies for achieving this, each of which catered to various degrees of technical proficiency and customisation requirements.

The WordPress theme files may be modified if you're familiar with coding and want precise control over your website's look. With this method, you may add your HTML content right to the code. To secure your customizations during theme upgrades, you must take care, make backups, and think about utilizing a child theme.

Using plugins can be a great solution for consumers who want a more user-friendly method but lack considerable technical experience. You may upload your HTML code and alter how it appears on your website using plugins made particularly to handle custom HTML content. This approach offers a very flexible solution that is both straightforward and code-free.

Whichever approach you go with, it's essential to properly test your changes, make sure they're compatible with any upcoming WordPress upgrades, and give website security first priority. A safe and reliable website may be maintained by regularly backing up your site, remaining current with plugin and theme changes, and adhering to best practices.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023


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