How do Firewalls prevent computer viruses?

Firewalls are filters that keep that lousy thing out and only allow good things to come in. it works based on the inclusive and exclusive parameters, allowing few types of communication inside while keeping others away. It is guided by an access control list with a particular set of rules based on which it provides access to a specific computer. These guidelines are not firm and can be customized for any particular device based on its need.

Types of Firewalls

Before directly diving into how firewalls prevent computer viruses, let's understand a bit more about firewalls. There are two types of firewalls −

  • Network firewalls − They are used by companies that contain a network of multiple computers and servers. It mainly monitors all the communication that is happening between the server of the company and outside computers. If a company wants to block any specific IP address, it can do it using network firewalls. It also ensures that consumers and employees' database is safe within the company, and no intruder can access it.

  • Host-based firewalls − unlike network firewalls, they work on single personal computers and helps to protect the system from cyber attackers and various online scams. They are mainly used for home computers and sometimes for business computers that are not coming under network firewalls. They are straightforward to install like any anti-virus software.

How does a Firewall Work?

A Firewall simply protects your computer from any attack or scanning by an intruder when connected to the Internet. It does this by monitoring the electronic data coming in and out of the network and examining it to the rules given to it. And if data matches the given constraints, it is allowed to pass, and if it doesn't, then it is restricted and not allowed to enter the PC.

But you should be aware that a Firewall is a kind of security guard of your system, it can only protect what is coming inside and what is not, but on its own, it will not protect you 100%. It cannot protect you from viruses that come attached under legitimate apps, spam messages, poorly configures WiFi networks, or malware produces on installing any software.

Most firewalls work on either of these two principles. It can either allow all traffic to pass through except for the information that meets the predetermined set of rules, or it can even prohibit all traffic unless it meets a predetermined set of criteria.

Hence, having a firewall installed in your computer will give you the most basic and first layer of security, which is essential, but you will still require other apps to be 100% secure.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2021


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