How do Document Databases Work?

Databases are like a collection of data in a well-structured and organized form. They are used in a variety of applications, from web applications to large scale systems.

Databases are used to store data in tables, making it easier to access specific information. A table consists of rows and columns, where each row holds data, and the columns represent information based on these rows. Databases can be of two types: relational and non-relational. Relational databases store data in tables using SQL, while non-relational databases are designed to store data in collections, and use NoSQL to access it.

Document databases are a type of non-relational database and are designed to store data using documents instead of tables. Each document is made up of a collection of fields that contain a single value, like a string, integer, or timestamp. This makes the data management system more flexible as compared to that of relational databases. This is what a typical JSON document in Amazon DocumentDB will look like −

   "_id": {"$oid": "61778f30a684d4a4e3f47b45"},
   "title": "The Great Gatsby",
   "author": "F. Scott Fitzgerald",
   "publication_date": {"$date": "1925-04-10T00:00:00Z"},
   "genre": ["novel", "drama"],
   "reviews": [
         "username": "bookworm",
         "rating": 4,
         "comment": "Great read!"
         "username": "reader21",
         "rating": 5,
         "comment": "A true masterpiece."

The above document represents information about a book in a library.

  • _id − A unique identifier for the document, generated by the database automatically

  • title − Title of the book

  • author − Author of the book

  • publication_date − The date a book was published

  • genre − An array, containing genres of the book

  • reviews − A sub-document, containing reviews submitted by readers for the book

  • username − Username of the readers

  • rating − Ratings given by the readers

  • comment − Comments submitted by the users.

With the exception of a few minor syntax variations, a document's structure and content are essentially the same as those of other kinds of document databases.

For instance, the similar document representing the information about the book in MongoDB would look as follows −

   "_id": ObjectId("61778f30a684d4a4e3f47b45"),
   "title": "The Great Gatsby",
   "author": "F. Scott Fitzgerald",
   "publication_date": ISODate("1925-04-10T00:00:00Z"),
   "genre": ["novel", "drama"],
   "reviews": [
         "username": "bookworm",
         "rating": 4,
         "comment": "Great read!"
         "username": "reader21",
         "rating": 5,
         "comment": "A true masterpiece."

Document databases are frequently used to manage complex data in large-scale industries. Since they avoid complex relationships between tables, document databases can be a better preference than relational ones and offer better scalability.


Document-oriented databases offer many advantages as compared to relational databases. Some of them are −

  • Able to store different data structures, documents are super flexible to use. Plus, users can work with a single document instead of having to juggle between multiple tables.

  • Document databases are always a better option for data models that need to evolve over time because they are easier to scale up.

  • Used across a wide range of industries, like technology, e-commerce, finance and healthcare.


Apart from these features, document databases have their own downsides too −

  • Because all the data in these databases is stored in a single document, maintaining them as they grow can be a little tiresome. This can subsequently result in slow processing.

  • They are not that suitable for complex, large queries as compared to relational databases as the later one provides better optimization for complex queries.

Popular Document Databases

Depending on an organization's use case and requirements, there are a variety of document database options available. Some of the popular ones include −

  • Amazon DocumentDB − An incredibly fast, scalable, and cost-effective database that is compatible with MongoDB. It is perfectly designed for high workloads and boasts high availability and performance. Definitely worth checking out!

  • MongoDB − When it comes to choosing a document database, MongoDB is a popular choice among developers. An open-source document-oriented database that stored data in BSON, a JSON-like format that allows users to store complex data structures easily.

  • CouchDB − CouchDB is a flexible database that uses a RESTful HTTP API for data management. It's great because it can scale as per the user’s needs and it comes with built-in features for keeping your data in sync across different devices.


  • In the end, it depends on the use case of the user or an organization to choose the right database based on their requirements. With a more effective and agile data management system, document databases are an excellent replacement for conventional relational databases.

  • Other alternatives to document databases include relational databases and key-value stores, having their own kind of advantages and disadvantages.

  • Due to their ease of scalability, document databases are a great choice for developers looking for large ecosystems with higher workloads.

Updated on: 24-Mar-2023


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