How Do Cybercriminals Steal Online Gaming Accounts?

The worldwide video game business is prospering despite the economic upheaval created by the coronavirus. Individuals are resorting to virtual worlds for escapism from the crisis as social alienation reduces physical connection to a minimum and encourages people to stay at home. In March, video game sales in the United States reached their highest level in almost a decade, and gaming industry behemoths have all reported a significant growth in user numbers.

Online Gaming Safety Tips

For any purchases relating to the game, only utilise the official websites. Clicking on links that take you to third-party websites is not a good idea.

Don't reply to solicitations for banking, financial, or personal information by email or direct message. Even if it looks to be from the gaming platform, respectable businesses do not send messages asking for personal information.

Personal information, identifying data, and account information should never be shared online. Friends should not have access to your login credentials.

For the game login, choose a strong password. A strong password should be a combination of uppercase and lowercase characters, as well as numbers and symbols, and is tough to guess. If you have numerous accounts, don't use the same password.

Two-factor authentication should be used. This implies that in order to log in, you (and anybody else attempting to access your account) will need two pieces of identification: your password and your phone number. To get into your gaming account, you usually input your password. Your account will then send you a code through SMS, email, or an authentication app. Before you can access your gaming account, you must first input that code. This makes it hard for hackers to get access to your accounts.

You should never click on any links that require you to confirm your password. Delete any email that urges you to change your login details instead. Avoid using debit cards for purchases. This is because credit cards normally offer greater security protections.

How Are People Scammed?

However, while coronavirus fraudsters try to take advantage of the situation, the surge in audience involvement has brought attention to the dangers of online gaming. Many online games use in-game currency, in-game purchases, and real-world currencies (stored in wallets),

According to Akamai, over 12 billion credential stuffing assaults were attempted against gaming websites between 2017 and 2019, making gaming one of the most targeted and fastest-growing sectors abused by hackers. Credential stuffing attacks employ information taken in prior breaches to gain unauthorised access to accounts when the owner uses the same login credentials for several services or has forgotten to change their password after a breach. Botnets, which automate the checking of credentials in mass, are widely used in these assaults.

The gaming business is undergoing significant upheaval, which has created several chances for hackers to take advantage of.

One reason we feel the gaming sector is an enticing target for hackers is that criminals can readily swap in-game stuff for profit. Cybercriminals are frequently pursuing in-game stuff that may be sold for real-world money, such as cosmetics and strong weaponry. High-level or uncommon accounts that have been compromised are frequently sold. In-game objects may be sold on the internet through easily accessible markets. On the dark web, there's also a black market for gaming accounts and stuff, where you can buy stolen accounts for games like Fortnite, Counter-Strike, and League of Legends for as low as $1.30.

Through the selling of subscriptions and loot boxes, the gaming industry is likewise shifting away from one-time purchases and toward recurring income sources. This implies that payment information such as credit card or PayPal information is frequently retained in accounts, allowing the hacker to purchase more things or upgrades to boost the account's worth.

Gamers are a certain group that is notorious for spending money; therefore, their financial situation is also an enticing target. According to a recent BBC article, minors were generating hundreds of pounds each week by stealing and selling Fortnite accounts using credential stuffing tactics.

Additional security options, such as two-factor authentication, which requires players to input a code delivered to their email address or smartphone before being able to access their accounts, are available. Are becoming more common, gaming platforms still need to do more to protect their users.

"While gaming firms continue to develop and strengthen their defences, they must also continue to assist their customers in learning how to protect and defend themselves,"

If gaming may drive youngsters to engage in cybercrime, as the BBC article implies, it might also be used to teach young people how to create strong passwords. Many gamers are children, and if they are taught how to protect their accounts, they will follow those guidelines for the rest of their life.

Updated on: 03-May-2022


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