How did the Windows operating system evolve and compare Windows 10 and Ubuntu?

Microsoft Windows has had nine major versions since its first release in 1985.

Original Windows 1

It was released in November 1985. It was the first true attempt at a graphical user interface in 16-bit.

Windows 2

Two years after Windows 1, Microsoft released Windows 2 in December 1987. Microsoft Excel and Word also made their first appearance running on Windows 2. It has the ability to minimize or maximize windows instead of Zooming.

Windows 3

It was released in 1990. The first windows that required a hard drive launched in 1990. This is the first windows that stand challenging to Apple’s Macintosh. It has the ability to run MS-DOS programs in windows.

Windows 3.1

It was released in 1992. It requires 1 MB of RAM to run and introduces a CD-ROM.

Windows 95

It was released in August 1995. It introduces “plug and play” and also introduces 32-bit environment.

Windows 98

It was released in June 1998. It introduces back and forward buttons and address bar.

Windows 2000

It was released in February 2000. It is the first window to support hibernation.

Windows XP

It was released in October 2001. It is based on Windows NT like Windows 2000 but brought consumer friendly elements.

Windows 7

It was released in October 2009. It is faster and more stable.

Windows 8

It was released in October 2012 and is faster than the previous version. It has a touch friendly start screen which introduces a start button.

Windows 10

It was released on September 30th 2014. It has interesting features like the ability to switch between a keyboard and mouse mode and tablet mode.

Windows 10 and Ubuntu

Let us see the comparison between Windows 10 and Ubuntu.

Ubuntu came into life in October 2004. It plays an important part in the adoption of Linux on desktop and laptops.

Let us see the comparison in terms of features.

FeaturesWindows 10Ubuntu
Memory Management
  • If physical memory is running full to capacity then the process is committed with virtual memory.
  • The OS provides virtual memory to all which run on physical memory.
  • Virtual memory applies paging or demand paging.
  • In Ubuntu the virtual memory is also known as swap.
  • It commonly uses a whole partition of the hard disk for swapping.
Process managementProcess management function creates a process with a single thread.Starting a process as foreground process and background process, It uses process id (Pid).
File managementWindows file explorer is used to create hierarchical folder structure.Most operations are performed on files known as tree like structures example − regular files, directories.

Updated on: 26-Nov-2021


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