How could I bind Docker container to specific external interface?


There are times when you might want to bind a Docker container to a specific external interface on your host machine. For example, you might want to bind a web server running in a Docker container to a specific network interface so that it is accessible from a specific IP address or hostname.

Several options are available for binding a Docker container to a specific external interface. In this article, we will explore three of these options: the --network flag, the --publish flag, and the --add-host flag.

Prerequisites for Binding a Docker Container to a Specific External Interface

Before you can start binding a Docker container to a specific external interface, you need to make sure that Docker is installed on your machine. You can follow the instructions on the Docker website to install Docker on your machine.

You must also ensure that the desired external interface is available on your host machine. For example, if you want to bind a Docker container to a specific IP address, you must ensure that the IP address is configured on your host machine.

Binding a Docker Container to a Specific External Interface Using the --network Flag

The --network flag allows you to specify the network to which the Docker container should be connected. You can use this flag to bind the container to a specific external interface on the host machine.

To use the --network flag, you need to specify the network's name and the container's name. For example −

$ docker run --network=my-network --name=my-container my-image 

This command will start a Docker container based on the my-image image and connect it to the my-network network. The container will be given the name my-container.

You can create a network using the docker network create command −

$ docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet= my-network 

This command will create a new network called my-network using the bridge driver and with the subnet You can then use this network to bind your Docker containers to specific IP addresses within the subnet.

Binding a Docker Container to a Specific External Interface Using the --publish Flag

The --publish flag allows you to specify which ports on the Docker container should be exposed to the host machine. You can use this flag to bind the container to a specific external interface on the host machine.

To use the --publish flag, you need to specify the port on the container and the port on the host machine. For example −

$ docker run --publish=8080:80 --name=my-container my-image 

This command will start a Docker container based on the my-image image and expose the container's port 80 to the host's port 8080. The container will be given the name my-container.

You can also specify a range of ports using the --publish-all flag −

$ docker run --publish-all=true --name=my-container my-image 

This command will start a Docker container based on the my-image image and expose all of the container's ports to the host. The container will be given the name my-container.

Binding a Docker Container to a Specific External Interface Using the --add-host Flag

The --add-host flag allows you to add entries to the container's /etc/hosts file. You can use this flag to bind the container to a specific external interface on the host machine.

To use the --add-host flag, you need to specify the hostname and the IP address. For example −

$ docker run --add-host=my-host: --name=my-container my-image 

This command will start a Docker container based on the my-image image and add an entry to the /etc/hosts file, mapping the hostname my-host to the IP address The container will be given the name my-container.

You can also specify multiple hostname-to-IP mappings by using the --add-host flag multiple times −

$ docker run --add-host=my-host: --add-host=my-other-host: --name=my-container my-image 

Advanced Topics for Binding a Docker Container to a Specific External Interface

In addition to the methods described above, there are a few other options for binding a Docker container to a specific external interface.

One option is to use Docker Compose to automate the process of binding a Docker container to a specific external interface. Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. You can use Docker Compose to define your network and publish settings in a docker-compose.yml file, and then use the docker-compose up command to start your containers.

Another option is to use a reverse proxy or load balancer to bind multiple Docker containers to the same external interface. A reverse proxy sits in front of your containers and routes incoming traffic to the appropriate container based on the hostname or other request details. A load balancer distributes incoming traffic across multiple containers to improve performance and availability.


In this article, we explored three options for binding a Docker container to a specific external interface: the --network flag, the --publish flag, and the --add-host flag. We also touched on a few advanced topics, such as using Docker Compose and reverse proxies or load balancers.

Using these options, you can easily bind your Docker containers to specific external interfaces, making accessing your applications from different networks or devices easier.

Updated on: 16-Jan-2023

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