How can you compare and Install different Python GUI frameworks?

Learn about the several Python GUI frameworks, how they operate, and how they compare against one another in this informative article.

What is GUI?

The abbreviation "GUI" means "Graphical User Interface" Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are what make it possible for people to interact with computers and other electronic devices.

It's essential to software development since it facilitates communication between humans and machines. Basically, it converts textual instructions into more understandable in-game actions. The objective is to provide easy touchpoints for the user to make decisions and use the software.

Top Python GUI frameworks

The following are some of the top Python GUI frameworks −

  • Tkinter

  • PyQT 5

  • PySide

  • Kivy

The majority of Python programmers utilize one of these two GUI frameworks. We will analyze the pros and cons of each option below.


Among Python's several GUI libraries, Tkinter is by far the most popular, having over 41,000 stars on GitHub. If you need to make a Python GUI program, this quick and easy package is all you need.

Tkinter provides a large number of widgets that make up a graphical user interface, including labels, buttons, checkboxes, text boxes, and a canvas (for drawing objects like triangles, rectangles, polygons, etc.).

Installation of Tkinter

Since Tkinter is a standard Python library, it is always present on your system. Separate installation is unnecessary.

Advantages of Tkinter

  • As Tkinter is already part of Python, no further software has to be installed.

  • Simple syntax is used.

  • Both the text and canvas widgets are extremely flexible and user-friendly.

  • On both Mac and Windows, it makes use of native widgets.

Disadvantages of Tkinter

  • Debugging might be challenging at times.

  • Unlike other frameworks, it is not highly attractive.

PyQT 5

PyQT is a graphical user interface framework written in Python that is based on the widely used QT framework. Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android are just some of the systems it works with.

Installation of PyQT

It doesn't take long to set up PyQT 5, either. To start, we make a virtual environment. For every new Python app you're working on, this is an absolute must.

Launch the terminal and run the commands at your convenience to set up a Python virtual environment.

Python -m virtualenv pyqt_venv

To start up your virtual machine, type in the following command −

source pyqt_venv/bin/activate

You may install PyQT in the virtual environment by using the Python pip package manager once you have activated the virtual environment. To do so, type the following into your terminal −

pip install pyqt5

Advantages of PyQT

  • PyQT's documentation is stronger.

  • It's easier to use and navigate.

  • There are additional user interface elements available in the PyQT.

Disadvantages of PyQT

  • Because of its complexity and the time required to master its many moving parts, its learning curve is steep.

  • If your application is not open-source, you must pay for a commercial license.


QT for Python, or PySide6, is a graphical user interface (GUI) framework written in Python that integrates and binds the QT framework. With PySide, you may use any of the QT-provided graphical user interface components and tools.

Installation of PySide6

Pyside6 requires only the Python pip package installer to set up. We must first create a virtual environment, just as we did for the other frameworks.

Launch the terminal and execute the instructions below in the location of your choosing −

Python -m virtualenv pyside_venv

Run the following command to activate the virtual environment −

source pyside_venv/bin/activate

Now, on your terminal, use the following command to install PySide6 with Python pip into your virtual environment −

pip install PySide6

Advantages of PySide

  • When compared to other Python GUI frameworks, PySide has greater community support and works on more platforms.

  • In comparison to competing frameworks, its documentation—which includes tutorials, examples, video guides, and more—is superior.

  • Mercedes, TomTom, and Nokia are among the top companies that use them.

Disadvantages of PySide

  • There must be a commercial license for the PySide.


Kivy is a free and open-source Python graphical user interface framework that runs on a broad range of devices and operating systems. Kivy, one of the most dependable Python GUI frameworks, has an API, extensive documentation, and straightforward tutorials for getting started. Kivy is written in Python and Cython, which is worth mentioning.

Installation of Kivy

When it comes to installing Kivy, the approach you choose will depend on the type of platform you're working with. Here, we'll utilize the Python package installer (pip) to get Kivy set up.

The Kivy project requires a virtual environment to be built before it can be installed.

Launch the terminal and navigate to the location of your choosing, then execute the following commands −

Python -m virtualenv kivy_venv

Run the following command to activate the virtual environment −

source kivy_venv/bin/activate

Python pip may then be used to install the Kivy pre-compiled wheel in your virtual environment after our virtual environment has been enabled. To accomplish so, type the following into your terminal −

pip install kivy

Advantages of Kivy

  • Kivy supports a variety of platforms, including mobile

  • Since Kivy may be used on various devices, you just need to write the code once.

  • With multi-touch support, the widgets are simple to use.

Disadvantages of Kivy

  • A native-looking user interface is not available in Kivy.

  • We have a limited user base and a slow rate of adoption.

  • The Python interpreter is always included, making the package size very large.


There are a few important details to keep in mind while working with these Python GUI frameworks. Both Tkinter and Kivy are available as open-source libraries that may be used in any Python application.

Instead, if you want to make money off of your PyQT or PySide project, you'll need to pay for a license. Tkinter is another library that comes pre-installed with Python, unlike the other three.

Updated on: 02-Jan-2023


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