How can series be created using Numpy and passing index value explicitly in Python?

Let us see how a series data structure can be created with the help of a Numpy array, and explicitly giving values for ‘index’.

When no value is specified for index, default values beginning from 0 are assigned to values in the series.

Following is an example −


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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
my_data = np.array(['ab','bc','cd','de', 'ef', 'fg','gh', 'hi'])
my_index = [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 23, 45, 67]
my_series = pd.Series(my_data, index = my_index)
print("This is series data structure created using Numpy array and specifying index values")


This is series data structure created using Numpy array and specifying index values
3   ab
5   bc
7   cd
9   de
11  ef
23  fg
45  gh
67  hi
dtype: object


  • The required libraries are imported, and given alias names for ease of use.

  • The next step is to create a numpy array structure.

  • Next, a list of values that needs to be explicitly specified as index is created.

  • To the ‘Series’ function present in the ‘pandas’ library, the previously created data and index list is passed as parameters.

  • The output is displayed on the console.

Note − This indicates that customized values for index can be specified while creating a series data structure.

Updated on: 10-Dec-2020


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