How can I query for all the tables having a particular column name?

For writing MySQL query to get all the tables having a particular column name, we can use LIKE operator. It can be understood with the help of an example as follows −


Following is the MySQL query to get all the tables having columns name ‘ID’ in it −

mysql> Select Column_name as 'ColumnName',Table_name As 'Tablename' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMN_NAME LIKE '%ID%' ORDER BY Tablename LIMIT 10;
| ColumnName  | Tablename     |
| id          | arena         |
| id          | arena1        |
| ID          | cars          |
| ID          | COLLATIONS    |
| ID          | copy_cars     |
| COUNTRY_ID  | countries     |
| REGION_ID   | countries     |
| Customer_Id | customers     |
| Customer_Id | customer_view |
| id          | emp           |
10 rows in set, 0 warnings (0.15 sec)

Updated on: 22-Jun-2020


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