How can I make Python interesting for me?

This article will teach us how to create some fascinating things in Python to make our work more interesting.

Trading Bot

While the economy, stock market, and cryptocurrencies are all suffering, many people are still profiting.

Even though you shouldn't put all your money into a trading bot unless you know what you're doing, it's an interesting project to work on and learn from.

AI Sports Betting Software

Although the goal is to predict an outcome of events (much like the trading bot), the approach you choose to solve this challenge may be very different.

As opposed to a trading bot, which uses time series data, this betting software uses historical data that isn't always time-correlated (such as that associated with stocks or cryptocurrencies).

Tennis is useful because it is fairer than, say, football, where the composition of a team list can have a major impact on the outcome of a game.

Many different aspects of a tennis match can be compared, including the players, the court, the surface, and even the event or venue.

The next step is to compile all of the data that can be used to determine the outcome of the match, or at least the winner, using a machine learning model.

Choose your sport, get the data, and start forecasting games with the help of an excellent website that provides historical data for training your models in many different sports, like tennis and football, among many others.

Data Scraper

Develop a program that read a URL and converts it to a machine-readable format, such as JSON or CSV, containing the data you need.

It's a great tool to use in combination with your AI sports betting software, as it allows you to monitor the AI's development over time and calculate your final earnings.

Although that's not all you can do with it. By way of illustration, I may use automated program script software to check my blog for broken links, missing photos, and other quality issues.

This project's level of difficulty depends on your specific requirements, but regardless, it's a great introduction to Python.

Automatically Move Files From One Folder to Another

You'll want to store everything in one location, then use a Python script to selectively move data to other directories.

Let's pretend you have a folder full of pictures and you want to sort them such that all the landscapes go in one place and all the faces go in another.

Or maybe you want to sort your text files by whether or not they include the word "python," with those that do going into one folder and the rest into another.

This work will teach you the ins and outs of working with Python's filesystem and will be a great resource to your skill set.

One example is the fact that you, once again, utilize the same program to record your financial transactions. Your accountant needs copies of all invoices, both received and paid, as well as statements from your bank, PayPal, and Stripe, every month.

Even worse than having to download everything is having to put it all in the right folders using the right naming conventions before uploading everything to a cloud folder that we have mapped locally.

Without you having to lift a finger, this tiny Python program will keep an eye on your downloads folder, search for files that fit a pattern using regular expressions, and transfer those files to their proper destination.

Build a Thumbnail Generator Website

Blogs, news magazines, and other publications must continuously consider thumbnails for their articles and posts.

This is such a problem that many websites construct them automatically based on the article's title or other metadata.

Although it's great that you can use a tool like Pillow to build, layer, and add text to the photos, there is much more you can do.

Consider your software taking input from the user, utilizing dall-e or another AI tool to create a backdrop for the thumbnail, adding a box with transparency, and adding text on top.

Now, each blog post would have a unique thumbnail that was of a high artistic level.

Create an API on Top of a Decentralized APP

It is possible to build an API wrapper around an existing web3 app or to create your own independent app using smart contracts.

Other developers will be able to benefit from your work since they will be able to use their web2 knowledge to create web3 apps much more rapidly.

You'll get a wealth of web3 knowledge by dealing with the complications these APIs undoubtedly bring.

An actual case would be creating a crypto-backed, off-chain voting system that relies on signatures to ensure votes and on batch transactions with the chain to maintain results and audits.

An AI-powered Chess Game

Designing a chess game is a great way to put your algorithmic expertise to the test, what with its boards, game pieces with different moving patterns, and numerous game laws.

In addition, there is a great deal of complexity involved in designing an AI that can learn to play chess, from figuring out how to effectively serialize the board's state to selecting which algorithms to use in training your network to come up with a winning game plan.

AlphaGo Master, AlphaGo Zero, and AlphaZero are only some of Google and other big companies' Go-playing AI projects that can beat the best human professionals hands down.

That's quite tough, but you may try starting with a less advanced AI that can still win against a human player.


Here are some Python ideas that you may implement to improve your coding proficiency while also learning a little bit about other topics like chess, productivity, sports, and more.

Updated on: 12-Jan-2023


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