How can I improve my English speaking skills? I’m really afraid to talk in public.

“For any challenge, there will be a difficult and an easy solution, you just have to be smart enough to choose the right one.”

Speaking English is a very difficult task for many people. I have seen people with great vocabulary and good grammar sense also fear spoken English and fail in interviews because of that. There can be many reasons behind it. Strong Mother tongue influence, being an introvert, not surrounded by many English speaking persons, having their primary education in their mother tongue etc., can be some of the reasons.

Whatever may be the reason, it is very important to come out of that hitch and face the highly competitive world outside with confidence.

There is always an option of joining a spoken English course, but the success rate is very less and it involves money and time. I will discuss some very easy steps to improve your English speaking skills by yourselves.

Think in English

The first mistake everybody does is, think in their mother tongue and then later translate those thoughts into English while speaking. This will give scope for a lapse in thoughts and speech. Better start visualizing in English and talk in English. This is a habit to be cultivated gradually.

Read Aloud

Whenever you are reading, read aloud and hear yourself. You are the best judge of yourself. If you feel you are not pronouncing a word properly, search on google or ask somebody whom you treat as your mentor. Doing this constantly will improve your language.

Watch English movies with subtitles

Watch English movies in English with subtitles. Read the subtitles aloud along with the actor. This will help you follow the pronunciation and get ease with the language.

Make a small group

Make a small group of people who are also trying to learn spoken English. Here everybody is a learner, so you can be free to talk and help each other. Keep some specific time and place and try to practice it every day at the same time. Remind each other of the purpose to learn English. You can practice interview sessions with each other asking general questions like "Tell me about yourself" and pat each other for a great job. This will boost confidence and all of you can succeed.

Good luck guys!!! Hope this will help you. If you want some more tips, please feel free to ask.

Updated on: 27-Jun-2020


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