How can I get the HTML/CSS/JavaScript source code of a website?

The Internet, which gives a colossal determination of sites going from direct static pages to unpredictable web applications, has changed how we communicate with data and administrations. Behind the stylishly lovely UIs and intuitive components are three fundamental web innovations: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For those inquisitive about how these innovative marvels work, getting to a site's source code can be a tomfoolery experience. We'll walk you through each move toward this instructional exercise on the most proficient method to get to the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript source code utilizing the implicit designer apparatuses in your internet browser.

Methods Used

  • Manual Usage

Manual Usage

Manual usage alludes to the method of getting the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript source code of a web site through manual investigation and review. Rather than depending on mechanized apparatuses or programs, an individual would physically see the website's source code by utilizing the browser's designer devices or by right-clicking on the web page and selecting "See Page Source." This strategy permits the person to analyze the website's fundamental code, counting its format, styling, and usefulness. Whereas it may be time-consuming and labor-intensive, manual usage gives a hands-on approach, empowering a more profound understanding of the website's structure and possibly revealing profitable experiences that robotized strategies might ignore.

Open Your Web Browser and Navigate to the Website

The URL of the site you need to examine ought to be placed into your PC program. You can cooperate with the site's substance, view pictures, and read text whenever it has stacked. Utilize the engineer devices given by your internet browser to get to the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript source code. Remember that perusing the source code is just done as such for learning and figuring out web improvement standards.Never use the source code in an unlawful or unethical way. Always respect the website owner's intellectual property.

Access Developer Tools

Once the webpage has fully loaded, it's time to use the developer tools. These tools offer a variety of features for web page inspection, debugging, and change to web developers.

There are various methods for opening the developer tools depending on the web browser you use −

  • Strategy utilizing the right-click − Play out a right-click on any part of the page other than a picture, and afterward select "Examine" or "Investigate Component" from the setting menu that shows up. A few famous programs, including Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome, support this strategy.

  • Console Easy route − Press Ctrl + Shift + I on your console (or Cmd + Choice + I on a Macintosh) to open the Designer Devices in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge all the more rapidly.

  • Using the menu given by the program is an extra decision. pick the three vertical specks (Modify and Control Google Chrome) in the upper right corner of Google Chrome, then, at that point, pick "More Apparatuses" and afterward "Designer Devices. Click on the three horizontal lines in Mozilla Firefox, then "Open Menu," then "Web Developer" and "Inspector."

Explore the Developer Tools Panel

  • A panel at the side or bottom of the browser window will appear after selecting the developer tools. This panel offers a plethora of details about the website, such as the HTML organization, applied CSS styles, and active JavaScript code.

  • HTML (Elements or Inspector) − Click the "Elements" or "Inspector" tab to view the HTML code for the web page. The panel displays every element on the page in a DOM (Document Object Model) tree-like representation. You can examine the hierarchy of the content's organization by expanding and compressing these elements.

  • You can communicate with the HTML code in the "Components" or "Auditor" board too. You can explore different avenues regarding adjustments progressively by choosing "Alter as HTML" or "Erase" from the setting menu when you right-click on a component, for example.

  • View as the "Styles" or "CSS" tab to get to the CSS styles that control the website page's visual plan. A rundown of CSS that are applied to different HTML components might be tracked down in this part. Each standard indicates specific tasteful components, like tones, typefaces, edges, and position.

  • To observe how existing rules affect the design of the webpage, you can experiment with new rules, disable any that are currently in place, and inspect the styles that have been applied.

  • The "Sources" or "Debugger" tab on the JavaScript editor provides your entryway into the world of JavaScript code. A list of the JavaScript files that the website utilizes may be found in this section. You can inspect a file's contents by clicking on it, including the functions, variables, and event handlers that provide the functionality and interaction of the website.

Analyze and Learn

The website's HTML, CSS, and JavaScript source code has been successfully accessed. Utilize this time to examine and learn from the codebase. For aspiring engineers and enthusiasts looking to advance their understanding of web development, exploring the source code can be a priceless educational experience.

Study how programmers arrange styles, add interactive features, and structure their code. Pay attention to the coding conventions and best practices used by seasoned engineers. You can learn about typical web development design patterns and methods by examining examples from the real world.


This article clarifies how to get to the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript source code of an online site utilizing the built-in designer apparatuses in web browsers. It covers manual usage, where clients can physically review and investigate the code, giving insights into web improvement standards. The article strolls perusers through the steps to open the engineer's devices and explore the board to get to and analyze the website's source code. It emphasizes moral utilization and learning purposes, debilitating any unlawful or deceptive exercises. By investigating the codebase, yearning engineers and devotees can pick up profitable information and gain an understanding of web advancement procedures and best practices.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023

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