How are Java and C++ related?


These days, Java and C++ are widely utilized in competitive programming. These two programming languages are utilized generally in industry and competitive programming due to their impressive characteristics. C++ is a commonly used programming language due to its efficiency, fast speed, and dynamic memory use. In terms of software development, Java is incomparable to any other programming language. Java is extensively utilized in the IT sector. Now we will look into how Java and C++ are similar.

What is Java?

Java is an Object-Oriented programming, general-purpose, and high-level language. It is mainly used for coding web applications. Java implements all the Object-Oriented programming language concepts like Class, objects, methods, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, and polymorphism. It also implements functions that help Java to be a modular programming language.

What is C++?

C++ is an object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. C++ closely resembles C (invented by Dennis Ritchie in the early 1970s). C++ is sufficiently compatible with C that it should be able to build over 99.9% of C programs without requiring any changes to the source code. OOP-based C++ is a more secure and well-structured programming language than C.

How are Java and C++ related?

There are many similarities between Java and C++. Let’s have a brief discussion about it.

  • Java and C++ both support Object Oriented Programming − OOPs is a modular approach that allows data to be used within a certain program area. It also allows data to be used more than once, which means that data should be given more importance. It works with objects and classes. Some concepts about OOPs are −

    • Object − An object is the instance of the class. It has its own properties and features. For example, A car is a class and Audi is an object.

    • Class − A class is a blueprint of an object. For example, A car that has 4 wheels,4 seats, and 1 engine is the blueprint that brands use to create their cars like Maruti, Nissan, etc. which are the objects.

    • Encapsulation − It is the process of wrapping up data into a single unit. It’s like a capsule in which different medicines are bonded together.

    • Inheritance − Inheritance is the acquiring of the properties of the parent class to the child class. Like a child inherits all the properties of the father. But a parent class doesn’t have the property of a child class.

    • Abstraction − Abstraction is the process of representation of essential features without including background details just like a television remote where we only know how to change the channels but we do not know the internal working of it.

    • Polymorphism − Polymorphism is showing a single message in different forms. One example of polymorphism in Java is Function overloading. For example, the Area parameter can be used multiple times for different shapes like the area of a circle, the area of a triangle, etc.

  • They both have a similar syntax −

C++ Example

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// the execution of the program begins at the main().
int main() {
   cout << "Worldcup"; // prints Worldcup
   return 0;



Java Example

public class Javasyntax{
   public static void main(String args[])// the execution of the program begins at main().
      System.out.println("Worldcup");//prints Worldcup



In both Examples, we can see that the program execution begins at the Main () function. If the main () function will not be there, then the program will not execute and will give an error. The statements are terminated using; (a semicolon) in both C++ and Java.

  • The conditional statements (if-else, switch) and loops (for, while) are also similar −

C++ Example

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// the execution of the program begins at main().
int main() {
   int n1=5,n2=11;
		cout << n1;
		cout << n2;
   return 0;



Java Example

public class Javasyntax{
   public static void main(String args[])// the execution of the program begins at main().
      int n1=9,n2=11;


  • They have similar syntax for comments: They both have similar syntax for a single line(//…………..) and multiline comments(/*………..*/).

C++ Example

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// the execution of the program begins at main().
int main() {
   int n1=5,n2=11,sum=0;
	/*here the sum of n1 and n2 will get printed*/
		cout << sum;
   return 0;



Java Example

public class Javasyntax{
   public static void main(String args[])// the execution of the program begins at main().
      int n1=1,n2=11,sum=0;
      /*here the sum of n1 and n2 will get printed*/


  • They have some of the same primitive data types like int, char, and float only the boolean datatype is different in Java it’s called boolean but in C++ it’s called bool.

  • The majority of their keyword sets are identical like public, private, static, return, continue, and break.

  • Both of them have multithreading support. Both support running several independent "threads," or "sub-processes," in parallel.

What are the benefits of C++ and Java?

Also, both C++ and Java have some important advantages. When programmers use these strong and dependable languages, they get a lot of benefits. Find out more about it by reading about its benefits, which are listed below −

  • Both Java and C++ are quite approachable, making it simple to create and compile programs in both languages.

  • These programming languages offer reliable help for reusing code.

  • One of the finest advantages shared by these languages is the ability to provide a high level of security.

  • Furthermore, these languages support the practice of running many processes(multithreading) simultaneously.

  • Businesses might benefit from learning C++ and Java since they are inexpensive programming languages.


In this article, we learned what is Java and C++ and how Java and C++ are related, and the similarities between them. We might conclude that both C++ and Java are important and helpful in their own right. Many differences and similarities exist between the two languages. These are fundamental programming languages, and any computer programmer and engineer should be conversant with both.

Updated on: 23-Aug-2023


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