Higher-Order Function in Golang

Higher-order functions are a powerful feature of modern programming languages, including Golang. In this article, we will discuss what higher-order functions are and how they can be used in Golang.

What is a Higher-Order Function?

A higher-order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments and/or returns a function as its result. This means that higher-order functions can be used to create new functions that are tailored to specific needs, making code more efficient and reusable.

Higher-Order Function Example in Golang

Let's consider a simple example to understand how higher-order functions work in Golang. Suppose we have a program that needs to calculate the square of a number. We can define a function to do this as follows −

func square(x int) int {
   return x * x

Now suppose we need to calculate the cube of a number. We can define a new function to do this −

func cube(x int) int {
   return x * x * x

This works, but it's not very efficient. We can use a higher-order function to create a more efficient solution −


package main

import (

func power(fn func(int) int) func(int) int {
   return func(x int) int {
      return fn(x)

func square(x int) int {
   return x * x

func cube(x int) int {
   return x * x * x

func main() {
   squareFunc := power(square)
   cubeFunc := power(cube)

   fmt.Println(squareFunc(2)) // Output: 4
   fmt.Println(cubeFunc(2))   // Output: 8



In this example, we have defined a higher-order function called power. This function takes a function as its argument and returns a new function that applies the given function to its argument. We can use this higher-order function to create new functions for calculating the square and cube of a number. By using the power function, we can avoid repeating the code for calculating the square and cube of a number, making our code more efficient and easier to maintain.

Benefits of Higher-Order Functions in Golang

The use of higher-order functions in Golang has several benefits −

  • Reusability − Higher-order functions allow us to create new functions that are tailored to specific needs, making code more reusable.

  • Flexibility − Higher-order functions can be used to create more flexible and adaptable code that can be easily customized to different use cases.

  • Efficiency − By avoiding the repetition of code, higher-order functions can make code more efficient, reducing the number of lines of code and improving performance.


Higher-order functions are a powerful feature of modern programming languages, including Golang. By using higher-order functions, we can create new functions that are tailored to specific needs, making code more efficient and reusable. In this article, we have discussed what higher-order functions are and how they can be used in Golang. By following the examples provided, you can learn how to use higher-order functions to write efficient and scalable programs in Golang.

Updated on: 19-Apr-2023


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