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Healthy Heart - Strengthen, Heal & Protect Your Heart course

person icon Prof. Paul Cline, Ed.D


Healthy Heart - Strengthen, Heal & Protect Your Heart course

How To Handle A Heart Attack & How To Make Your Heart Healthier

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Prof. Paul Cline, Ed.D

English [CC]

category icon Personal Transformation,Self-Acceptance

Lectures -8

Duration -1 hours



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Course Description

In this online Healthy Heart course you will learn how to handle a heart attack, should it occur. You will learn specific strategies to make your heart healthier and help prevent heart attacks. Heart disease is a very general term used to describe all the different disorders or diseases that can affect your heart and its operation. This training will educate you about these conditions, which will give you insights into prevention. You will be shown the major signs and symptoms of heart problems and a heart attack. This can help you detect a heart condition early and take action early so you can live a longer and healthier life. Students will learn about the common causes of heart difficulties and be given specific suggestions on what to do to prevent them. A heart attack can create a lot of complications to many of the body’s parts and organs. Learn about these issues and what you can do. You will learn about the common heart conditions and what causes them. Finally, you will learn what to do when a heart attack occurs and what to do until help arrives. We will even show you what to do if you are alone and have a heart attack. This is all information that could potentially save your life or the life of a loved one. 

Prevention is always the best way to go. In the second part of this training course, students will learn about the risk factors for a heart attack. People that have these risk factors can do a lot to prevent or lessen heart attacks and boost survival rates. Students will learn about the negative effects of carrying extra weight and how it impacts the heart and leads to problems. Students will discover the huge impact smoking and poor diet have on your heart and how it can boost your chances of a heart attack more than 30%. Find out when alcohol is good and bad for your heart too. Students will be shown the difference between HDL and LDL and what this means for heart health long-term. One of the things that has a tremendous impact on heart health, is lifestyle. Students will learn what are the negative lifestyle elements and how to develop a health lifestyle to replace it with. Students will learn the heart benefits of exercise and learn how to reduce stress. Finally, students will learn about some exciting and simple remedies to make your heart healthier and last longer. Students will learn about diet changes, superfoods, supplements and many unique ways to support heart health. 

If you are searching for a self-help course that covers all the major skills you need to strengthen your heart and live a full and productive life, then this course is ideal for you. If you or a loved one have heart issues, or a family history of heart problems, then this course could be life-saving. Everybody has a heart, and everybody needs to take excellent care of their heart. In some ways it is really crazy that these skills are not taught in school as heart disease is the #1 cause of death. With the exception of cancer, it would kill as many people as the next 5 causes of death combined. Therefore, everybody who has a heart can greatly benefit from taking this one short course and learning these key life skills. Take good care of your heart, and it will take good care of you! 

By The End Of This Course, You Will Discover … 

1) Discover What A Heart Attack ACTUALLY Is & What Is Going On 

2) Learn How To Spot a Heart Attack 

3) Learn What The Complications Of A Heart Attack Are and About Follow-up Care. 

4) Learn What To Do When A Heart Attack Occurs 

5) Learn How Signs Of A Heart Attack Can Be Very Different For Men And Women 

6) Discover The Primary Risk Factors For Heart Disease 

7) Discover How Meditation And Other Unique Healing Strategies Can Enhance Heart Function And Longevity. 

8) Learn How To Strengthen Your Heart To Prevent Future Episodes 

9) Learn About Specific Heart Remedies That Can Make A BIG Difference  

10) Discover How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Help Your Heart Be Healthier And Last Longer 

Healthy Heart - Strengthen, Heal & Protect Your Heart course


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Introduction & First Concepts
1 Lectures
  • play icon Introduction 03:06 03:06
What Is A Heart Attack & Complications
2 Lectures
Emergency Care For A Heart Attack
1 Lectures
Risk Factors & Lifestyle Choices
2 Lectures
Heart Remedie
1 Lectures
Final Tips & Suggestions
1 Lectures

Instructor Details

Prof. Paul Cline, Ed.D

Prof. Paul Cline, Ed.D

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