Header Tags: All That You Want To Know

HTML, the language used to construct web pages, heavily relies on header tags. They are used to arrange and organize web page content, making it simpler to read and comprehend. Header tags range from H1 to H6. H1 is the most significant header tag, whereas H6 is the least important. These header tags help organize a page's contents, making it easier to read and navigate. They are also used to inform users and search engines about the content of the page, which is crucial for SEO.

In this article, we will discuss what header tags are and how to use them effectively.

What are Header Tags?

A web page's headings and subheadings are specified using header tags. Although the SEO industry also frequently refers to these elements as "header tags," the "H" in H1, H2, etc. officially stands for "heading element." Header tags are crucial for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) because they aid search engines in comprehending a page's content. You can increase the visibility of your page on search engines like Google and Bing by employing header tags correctly.

What if Your Site Does not Have Header Tags?

Having header tags on your website is essential for SEO as it helps search engine crawlers recognize what the page is about and allows them to navigate easily throughout the site. If your website has no headings, it may limit the amount of traffic generated from a search result. To ensure you are optimizing your website's SEO capabilities, try to include some descriptive header tags on all site pages. These headers should be carefully chosen and describe the content found on each page so Google can pick up those keywords and rank your page accordingly. Additionally, having appropriate headers lets readers know what they can expect from the following content, making it easier to quickly understand if a page has what they're looking for.

Types of Header Tags

From H1 through H6, there are six main types of header tags in HTML. The level of relevance for each header tag varies, with H1 being the most significant and H6 being the least important.

  • H1 − The most significant header tag is H1, which should only be used once per page. This tag is often applied to the page's primary title or heading. The H1 tag language needs to be descriptive and relevant to the page's content. You may enhance user experience and boost search engines' understanding of your page's primary subject by appropriately using the H1 tag.

  • H2 − To divide the information into sections, the H2 header tag is used for subheadings. It's crucial to employ header tags in the correct order, moving from H1 to H6. This aids in the understanding of the content hierarchy by both users and search engines. You may structure and simplify reading your material by utilizing H2 tags for subheadings.

  • H3 − This header element aims to further divide the material into sub-subheadings.

  • H4–H6 − H4–H6 header tags are used to further divide the text into lower-level subheadings.

This is an example of how a blog post about "Choosing a smartphone" may be structured −

  • H1 − Qualities to look for when choosing a smartphone

  • H2 − Basics

  • H3 − Price

  • H3 − Battery life

  • H2 − Features

  • H3 − Fitness tracking

  • H3 − Music

  • H3 − Bluetooth & other connection

  • H2 − My top recommended smartphone

How to Add HTML Header Tags

In HTML, adding header tags is a relatively easy procedure. You would type <h1> and </h1> and place the H1 content between those tags to indicate an H1. Each form of header tag can be used in the same way. Remember, between the two tags, punctuation is also permitted.

It's crucial to check your headers in HTML to ensure they are formatted correctly because Google will scan them to let web browsers know what your website is about.

You don't need to dig through the source code or HTML each time you want to add a header element because specific blogging platforms, including HubSpot and WordPress, include a button on the toolbar for that purpose.

How to Use Header Tags Effectively?

Here are some tips for using header tags effectively −

  • Use H1 only once per page

The most significant header tag, H1, should only be used once on each page, according to what was previously explained. The page's primary title or heading should be structured with the H1 tag. Spend some time building an H1 header that is compelling and engaging since it influences whether or not the visitor will continue to read the content.

  • Employ header tags sequentially

It's crucial to employ header tags in the correct order, moving from H1 to H6. This aids in the understanding of the content hierarchy by both users and search engines.

  • Use header tags to structure content

Header tags should be used to structure the content of a page. This means using H2 for subheadings and H3-H6 for lower-level subheadings.

  • Use descriptive text in header tags

Header tags should contain descriptive text that pertains to the page's content. This enhances the user experience while assisting search engines in comprehending the page's subject matter.

  • Don't overuse header tags

Although header tags are crucial for content organization, utilizing them sparingly is necessary. The page may appear cluttered and unclear if too many header tags are used. Choose long-tail keywords that have lower search volume but strong purchase intent to avoid keyword stuffing.

  • For accessibility, use header tags

Header tags are crucial for accessibility since they aid screen readers in understanding the organization of the material. You may make your website more accessible by employing header tags wisely.

  • Make use of headers to divide the text

Scannable content is very popular. Forbes refers to it as the most neglected aspect of content marketing. The Nielsen Norman Group's research also revealed that content that can be scanned has a 58% higher chance of performing well with readers. Keep paragraphs brief while composing blog posts and landing pages (roughly three lines of text). Subheaders for H2 and H3 should not exceed four paragraphs.


In conclusion, header tags are a crucial component of HTML and are used to organize and structure the content of a web page. Effective use of header tags can increase your website's accessibility, your content's organization and readability, and your page's exposure on search engines. Remember to only use H1 once per page, to use header tags sequentially, to use descriptive content, to use header tags sparingly, and to use header tags for accessibility. You may design a well-structured, user-friendly web page that is accessible to all people and optimized for search engines by adhering to these rules.

Updated on: 03-Apr-2023


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