HCF of an array of fractions (or rational numbers)

HCF or the Highest common factor of two or more numbers refers to the highest number which divides them.

A rational number is the quotient p/q of two numbers such that q is not equal to 0.

Problem Statement

Given an array with fractional numbers, find the HCF of the numbers.

Example 1


[{4, 5}, {10, 12}, {24, 16}, {22, 13}]


{2, 3120}


The fractional numbers given are: 4/5, 10/12, 24/16 and 22/13

2/3120 is the largest number that divides all of them.

Example 2


[{18, 20}, {15, 12}, {27, 12}, {20, 6}]


{3, 1400}


The fractional numbers given are: 18/20, 15/12, 27/12 and 20/6

1/60 is the largest number that divides all of them.


To find the HCF of a fractional number, do the following steps −

  • Compute the HCF of the numerators.

  • Compute the LCM of the denominators.

  • Compute HCF/LCM.

  • If possible, reduce the fraction to the lowest fraction.

Let's break the above approach into two parts −

Finding the HCF of numerators

For finding the HCF of two numbers, the Euclidean approach is used.

The algorithm uses the following facts −

  • The HCF of two numbers doesn't change if we subtract the smaller number from the larger one. Thus, if we keep subtracting the smaller number from the larger of the two, we end up with the HCF.

  • Instead of subtraction, we can use division. If we divide the smaller number, the algorithm stops when the remainder becomes 0.

C++ Function for Finding HCF of two numbers

//Function to find HCF of two numbers
int HCF(int a, int b)
   if (a % b == 0)
      return b;
      return (HCF(b, a % b));

Now, we can iteratively find the HCF of the numerators of the entire array (more than two numbers).

//Function to find HCF of the numerator series
int findHcf(vector<pair<int,int>>v)
   int hcf = v[0].first;
   for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); i++)
      hcf = HCF(hcf, v[i].first);
   // return hcf of the numerators
   return (hcf);

Finding the LCM of the denominators

To find the LCM of two numbers a and b, we can use the following formula −

LCM(a,b) * HCF (a,b) = a*b
Hence, LCM(a,b) = (a*b) / HCF(a,b) 

Now, we can iteratively find the LCM of the numerators of the entire array (more than two numbers).

C++ Function for finding the LCM of the denominators

//Function to find lcm of the denominator series
int findLcm(vector<pair<int,int>>v)
    // ans contains LCM of arr[0][1], ..arr[i][1]
    int lcm = v[0].second;
    for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); i++)
        lcm = (((v[i].second * lcm)) /
            (HCF(v[i].second, lcm)));
    // return lcm of the denominator
    return (lcm);

  • STEP 1 − Initialize a vector of pairs: vector<pair<int,int>>vec

  • STEP 2 − Take the input of fractions in vec

  • STEP 3 − ans -> find_hcf_of_fraction(vec)

  • STEP 4 − Print ans


Function find_hcf_of_fraction(vec):
   HCF_of_num -> findHCF(vec)
	LCM_of_denom -> findLCM(vec)

	Initialize vector ans: vectorans;
	ans -> [Hcf_of_num, Lcm_of_num]
	For i = ans[0]/2 to 2:
		if (ans[1] % i == 0) and (ans[0] % i == 0):
			ans[1] -> ans[1]/i
			ans[0] -> ans[0]/i
	return ans

Function find_HCF(vec):
	hcf -> vec[0].first
	For i=0 to vec.size()-1:
		hcf -> HCF(ans, vec[i].first)
	return ans

Function HCF(a,b):
	if a%b->0:
		return a
		return HCF(b , a%b)

Function findLCM(vec):
	lcm -> vec[0].second
	For i=0 to vec.size()-1:
		lcm-> (lcm* vec[i].second) / (hcf (vec[i].second, lcm))
	return lcm

Example (C++ program)

Below is a CPP program to find the HCF of an array of rational numbers (fractions).

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
//Function to find HCF of two numbers
int HCF(int a, int b){
   if (a % b == 0)
      return b;
      return (HCF(b, a % b));
//Function to find HCF of the numerator series
int findHcf(vector<pair<int,int>>v){
   int hcf = v[0].first;
   for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); i++)
      hcf = HCF(hcf, v[i].first);
   // return hcf of the numerators
   return (hcf);
//Function to find lcm of the denominator series
int findLcm(vector<pair<int,int>>v){
   // ans contains LCM of arr[0][1], ..arr[i][1]
   int lcm = v[0].second;   
   for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); i++)
      lcm = (((v[i].second * lcm)) /
         (HCF(v[i].second, lcm)));
   // return lcm of the denominator
   return (lcm);
//Function to get the answer
vector<int> find_hcf_of_fraction(vector<pair<int,int>>v){
   //HCF of the numerator series
   int hcf_of_num = findHcf(v);
   // lcm of the denominator series
   int lcm_of_deno = findLcm(v);
   ans[0] = hcf_of_num;
   ans[1] = lcm_of_deno;
   for (int i = ans[0] / 2; i > 1; i--)    {
      if ((ans[1] % i == 0) && (ans[0] % i == 0))        {
         ans[1] /= i;
         ans[0] /= i;
   // return answer
   return (ans);
//main code
int main(){
   int size = 4;
   //Inserting the fractions in the vector
   //Function call to calculate the HCF of the fractions
   ans = find_hcf_of_fraction(vec);
   //Print the answer
   cout << "HCF of given array of fractions: ";
   cout << "{" << ans[0] << ", " << ans[1] << "}"<< endl;
   return 0;


For the input - [{4, 5}, {10, 12}, {24, 16}, {22, 13}], the above C++ program will produce the following output −

HCF of given array of fractions: {2, 3120}


This article discusses the problem of finding the HCF of fractional numbers. The things which were covered in the article included the approach, the pseudocode and the C++ Program.

Updated on: 24-Aug-2023


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