Hardy-Ramanujan Theorem

The Hardy−Ramanujan Theorem states that the number of distinct prime factors of any natural number N will be approximately equal to the value of $\mathrm{\log(\log N)}$ for most of the cases.

For example, let’s consider N to be 1000.

The number of distinct prime factors of 15 are 2 and 5 i.e. 2 distinct prime factors.

The value of $\mathrm{\log_{e}(\log_{e}(1000))}$ is equal to 1.932 which is approximately equal to 2.

The Hardy−Ramanujan theorem is proved in the above case.

Since the theorem states that the number of distinct prime factors will be approximately equal to $\mathrm{\log(\log(N))}$ for most of the cases. There are cases where this theorem does not imply.

For example, N=286

The number of distinct prime factors of N i.e. 286 are 2, 11, and 13. There are 3 distinct prime factors of 286.

According to Hardy−Ramanujan theorem, the number of distinct prime factors of N will be approximately equal to $\mathrm{\log_{e}(\log_{e}(286))=1.732}$

We will implement the theorem in our C++ program to check for every natural number by calculating its distinct prime factors and the value of $\mathrm{\log(\log(N))}$ and check if they are approximately equal.

Implementation of Hardy−Ramanujan theorem in C++

To check the theorem for any natural number N, we will simply calculate all the distinct prime factors of N by creating a function to find the distinct prime factors of any number. We will count the number of distinct prime factors of N and then calculate the approximate number of distinct prime factors of N according to the Hardy−Ramanujan theorem i.e. equal to the value of $\mathrm{\log(\log(N))}$.

The number of distinct prime factors of N can be calculated using the log() function in C++ which returns the natural logarithmic value of any positive integer passed into it.


int N;
int value=log(N);

To compare the approximate value of the number of distinct prime factors of any number according to Hardy−Ramanujan theorem with the actual number of distinct prime factors, we will create a function to count the number of distinct prime factors of any number.

We will check if the number N is divisible by 2, we will divide N by 2 until it gives 0 remainder and increase the count of distinct prime factors by 1. Now we will iterate in a for loop from i=3 to i<=sqrt(N) to check for every odd value of i as N will be odd at this time. If N is divisible by i, we will divide N by i until it gives remainder as 0 and update N everytime. Similarly we will iterate and check for every value of i until it is less than or equal to the square root of N and update count by 1 for each iteration when i divides N.

Now for the case when N is greater than 2 and is a prime number, we will increase the count by 1 to get the exact number of distinct prime factors of N.

We will print the exact number of distinct prime factors calculated and approximate number of distinct prime factors of N according to Hardy−Ramanujan theorem to check the theorem for any natural number N.

The steps to implement the approach in C++:

  • We will make a function to get the exact number of distinct prime factors of N which will be the user input as discussed above.

  • We will print the exact number of distinct prime factors of N.

  • Now we will calculate the approximate number of distinct prime factors of N by calculating the value of $\mathrm{\log(\log(N))}$ and store it in a variable.

  • Print the approximate number of distinct prime factors of N according to the Hardy−Ramanujan theorem.


//C++ code for the Hardy-Ramanujan theorem
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

//function to count exact number of distinct prime factors of N
int exact_count(int N){
    int a=0; //to store the count of distinct prime factors
    if(N%2==0){ //if N is divisible by 2
        a++; //increase the count by 1
        while(N%2==0){ //divide N by 2 until it gives remainder as 0
            N = N/2;
    //N must be odd now so checking for odd values of i
    for(int i=3;i<=sqrt(N);i=i+2){
        if(N%i==0){ //if N is divisible by i
            a++; //increase the count by 1
            while(N%i==0){ //divide N by i until it gives 0 remainder
                N = N/i;
    //for the case when N will be prime number greater than 2
    return a; //return the count of prime factors

int main()
    int N=39573; //for taking input
    double approx; //for calculating approximate no of distinct prime factors
    approx = log(log(N)); //according to Hardy-Ramanujan theorem
    //printing exact no of distinct prime factors
    cout<<"Exact no. of distinct prime factors : "<<exact_count(N)<<endl;
    cout<<"No. of distinct prime factors acc. to Hardy-Ramanujan theorem : "<<approx<<endl;

    return 0;


Exact no. of distinct prime factors : 2
No. of distinct prime factors acc. to Hardy−Ramanujan theorem : 2.35952

Time complexity− O(sqrt(N)) , time taken to calculate exact number of distinct prime factors.

Space complexity − O(1) , because we didn’t use any extra space.


The Hardy−Ramanujan theorem and its different aspects were discussed in the article. We use the concept of the theorem to see the number of distinct prime factors of any natural number N and check the accountability of the theorem.

I hope you understand the topic better after reading this article.

Updated on: 28-Aug-2023


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