Gurmit wanted to perform Activity 16.8 using a laser torch. Her teacher advised her not to do so. Can you explain the basis of the teacher’s advise?


Gurmit wanted to perform Activity 16.8 using a laser torch and her teacher advised her not to do so.

To do:

We have to explain the basis of the teacher’s advice.


Before explaining the basis of the teacher’s advice, let us know what is activity 16.8-

Activity 16.8:

Look into your friend’s eye. Observe the size of the pupil. Throw light on her eye with a torch. Observe the pupil now. Switch off the torch, and observe her pupil once again. Do you notice any change in the size of the pupil? In which case was the pupil larger? Why do you think it was so? In which case do you need to allow more light in the eye, when the light is dim or bright?

In activity 16.8, the teacher advised not to use a laser torch. Let us know what is a LASER light and what are its harmful effects-


Laser stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation".

A laser torch produces highly monochromatic, directional, coherent light from a narrow beam with very high intensity and energy.

Harmful effects of a laser beam:

Followings are the harmful effects of a light produced by a laser torch-

  • The intensity of the light produced by a laser torch is very high as compared to the flashlight produced by a normal torch.
  • The light produced by a laser torch is focused in a very narrow beam and is highly energetic.
  • The light beam produced by a laser beam can destroy human organs.

Based on the above discussion we can conclude that we should never look through the laser beam directly or indirectly as it is very harmful to our eyes and a laser beam can damage our eyes permanently. So, her teacher advised her not to do so.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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