Guide to chgrp Command in Linux


In Linux, chgrp command is a useful tool for changing group ownership of files and directories. It is an important command for system administrators who need to manage user permissions and access control on a Linux system. chgrp command is also useful for collaborative work where users need to share files and directories with specific groups. In this article, we will explore chgrp command and its usage in detail.

What is chgrp Command in Linux?

The chgrp command is used to change group ownership of files and directories in Linux. chgrp command changes group ownership of a file or directory to a specified group. command is usually used in combination with chown command to change both user and group ownership of a file or directory. chgrp command can be used by root user or any user who has permission to change group ownership of a file or directory.

Syntax of chgrp Command

The syntax of chgrp command is as follows −

chgrp [options] new_group file/directory

The options that can be used with chgrp command are as follows −

-R, --recursive     change files and directories recursively
--dereference       affect referent of each symbolic link
--no-dereference    affect symbolic links themselves
--preserve-root     do not operate recursively on '/'
--reference=RFILE   use RFILE's group rather than specifying a group

Examples of chgrp Command

Let's explore some examples of chgrp command.

Change Group Ownership of a File

To change group ownership of a file, use following command −

chgrp new_group file.txt

This command changes group ownership of file "file.txt" to "new_group". Note that you need to have necessary permissions to change group ownership of file.

Change Group Ownership of a Directory

To change group ownership of a directory, use following command −

chgrp new_group directory

This command changes group ownership of directory "directory" to "new_group". Note that you need to have necessary permissions to change group ownership of directory.

Change Group Ownership Recursively

To change group ownership of a directory and all its contents recursively, use following command −

chgrp -R new_group directory

This command changes group ownership of directory "directory" and all its contents recursively to "new_group". Note that you need to have necessary permissions to change group ownership of directory and its contents.

Change Group Ownership of Symbolic Links

By default, chgrp command affects referent of each symbolic link. However, if you want to change group ownership of symbolic links themselves, use following command −

chgrp --no-dereference new_group symlink

This command changes group ownership of symbolic link "symlink" to "new_group" itself, rather than affecting referent of symbolic link.

Preserve Root Directory

When using chgrp command recursively, you can use --preserve-root option to prevent command from operating recursively on root directory '/'. Use following command −

chgrp --recursive --preserve-root new_group /

This command changes group ownership of all files and directories under root directory '/' recursively to "new_group", but it does not change group ownership of root directory itself.

In addition to examples provided, there are a few other things to keep in mind when working with chgrp command.

Firstly, it is important to note that chgrp command only changes group ownership of files and directories. To change user ownership as well, you can use chown command instead, or combine two commands using syntax −

chown new_owner:new_group file/directory

This command changes both user and group ownership of file or directory to specified values.

Another important consideration when working with chgrp command is use of file permissions. group ownership of a file or directory can affect access permissions of other users in that group. For example, if a file is owned by group "sales" and has read and write permissions for that group, any user in "sales" group can read and modify that file.

To check permissions and ownership of a file or directory, you can use ls command with -l option −

ls -l file.txt

This command will display file's permissions, ownership, and group ownership in a long format.

Finally, it is important to remember that chgrp command requires administrative or root permissions to be executed. This is because changing file ownership and permissions can have significant consequences for security and functionality of a system. Make sure to use chgrp command only when necessary, and with appropriate level of access.


The chgrp command is an important tool for managing group ownership of files and directories in Linux. It is a useful command for system administrators and collaborative work. In this article, we explored chgrp command and its usage in detail. We also looked at some examples of chgrp command, including changing group ownership of files, directories, and symbolic links, as well as using recursive and preserve-root options.

While chgrp command can be a powerful tool for managing file and directory permissions, it is important to use it carefully and with caution. Make sure you understand permissions and ownership of files and directories you are working with, and double-check command before executing it to avoid unintended consequences.

In summary, chgrp command is an essential tool for managing group ownership of files and directories in Linux. Understanding how to use it effectively can help system administrators and users to manage permissions and access control on a Linux system. With examples and syntax provided in this guide, you should be well on your way to using chgrp command with confidence.

Updated on: 24-Mar-2023

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