Guayadeque Music Player - Install on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora


Guayadeque Music Player is a free and open-source audio player that offers a plethora of features, making it the perfect choice for music enthusiasts who want more than just basic playback functionality. It was developed by Anselmo Herrera and his team of programmers in C++ using the wxWidgets GUI toolkit. The player is available for Linux, Windows, and macOS operating systems.


If you want to install Guayadeque Music Player on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora, there are a few software and packages you need to install first. These prerequisites will ensure that the player runs smoothly and efficiently without any errors or compatibility issues.

List of Software and Packages Required for Installation

The following is a list of software and packages needed for successful installation −

  • GTK+ 2.12 or higher

  • SQLite libraries (libsqlite3)

  • TagLib libraries (libtag)

  • Curl library (libcurl)

  • GStreamer Core Libraries (gstreamer, gstreamer-plugins-base)

Downloading Guayadeque Music Player

Guayadeque Music Player is available for download on the official website of the developers. The download page offers different versions of the player suitable for various Linux distributions including RHEL/CentOS/Fedora.

Step-by-step Instructions on how to Download the Appropriate Version for RHEL/CentOS/Fedora

To download Guayadeque Music Player on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora follow these steps −

  • Open your browser and navigate to the official website

  • Click on "Download" from the menu bar.

  • From the list of options provided under "RPM Packages," select your preferred version suitable for your OS.

  • Once selected, click on "Download."

  • Wait for it to finish downloading before proceeding to install it.

By following these simple steps, users can quickly and easily download an appropriate version suited to their operating system and will be ready to proceed with installation in no time at all!

Installing Guayadeque Music Player

To install Guayadeque Music Player on CentOS Linux using the command-line interface (CLI), you can follow these steps −

Open a terminal on your CentOS system. You can usually find the terminal application in the "System Tools" or "Utilities" section of the applications menu.

Update the system's package manager by running the following command −

sudo yum update

Enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository, which provides additional packages not available in the default CentOS repositories. Run the following command to install the EPEL repository −

sudo yum install epel-release

Once the EPEL repository is installed, you can install Guayadeque Music Player by running the following command −

sudo yum install guayadeque

During the installation, you may be prompted to confirm the installation and accept any dependencies. Type 'y' and press Enter to proceed.

After the installation completes, you can launch Guayadeque Music Player by running the following command −


Alternatively, you can also launch it from the applications menu or create a desktop shortcut for easier access.

That's it! Guayadeque Music Player should now be installed on your CentOS system, and you can start using it to manage and play your music collection.

Configuring Guayadeque Music Player

Overview of Configuration Options Available

Once Guayadeque Music Player is installed on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora, it is essential to configure the player according to user preferences. The default settings of the player might not align with your requirements, and therefore, it is important to know about the different configuration options available.

The configuration options include but are not limited to audio settings, appearance settings, database settings, and input/output settings. These settings can be accessed by navigating to Preferences from the top menu bar.

Step-by-step Guide on how to Configure the Player According to User Preferences

The process of configuring Guayadeque Music Player is straightforward and can be done in a few simple steps. Here is a step-by-step guide −

  • Open Guayadeque Music Player and click on "Preferences" from the top menu bar.

  • From the list of categories displayed on the left side, select "Audio".

  • Under Audio Settings, select "Output Plugin" from the drop-down menu and choose an output plugin that best suits your system's specifications.

  • Next, select "Equalizer" from the left panel if you want to adjust sound levels according to your preference.

  • From here you can also adjust cross-fading options under "Crossfade".

  • If you prefer visualization while playing music, choose a visualization plugin under "Visualizations".

  • Similarly, you can explore other categories such as Appearance Settings for UI aesthetics or Input/Output Settings for playback options.

Configuring Guayadeque Music Player is an easy process that doesn't require any technical knowledge or expertise but allows users customization based on their needs and preferences as well as optimizing output quality based on system specifications maximum potential output quality functionality-wise while making sure that it suits their preferences and use-case scenarios.

Using Guayadeque Music Player

Guayadeque Music Player is a feature-rich music player that enables users to enhance their listening experience on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora. It provides a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to easily add music, create playlists, and play songs. Furthermore, it offers advanced features such as an equalizer, crossfade options, and visualizations that give users greater control over their audio output.

Basic Functions

Adding music to Guayadeque Music Player is easy. Users can simply drag and drop their music files into the player or use the "Add Folder" function to import entire directories of music. Once added, users can create playlists by selecting files from their library or by using the "Smart Playlists" option which filters songs based on genre, album, year or other criteria.

The playback controls in Guayadeque Music Player are straightforward and include standard options such as play/pause, skip forward/backward, volume control and repeat/shuffle modes. Users can also search for specific tracks using the search bar at the top of the screen.

Advanced Features

The equalizer in Guayadeque Music Player allows users to adjust frequency levels for a more personalized listening experience. The built-in presets include options such as Rock, Jazz, Classical among others but one can also manually adjust settings according to personal preferences.

The crossfade feature allows users to seamlessly transition between tracks without any gaps or awkward pauses. This adds an extra dimension of smoothness to listening experiences especially when playing albums with tracks that blend together.

visualizations add some flair for those who like some extra eye-catching features in their audio player experience. Visualizations come with different settings allowing one to customize speed and color among others.

Overall, Guayadeque Music Player is a powerful, feature-rich music player that offers users greater control over their audio experience. Its intuitive interface and wide range of advanced features make it a fantastic choice for RHEL/CentOS/Fedora users who take their music seriously.


Guayadeque Music Player is a powerful and feature-rich music player that can enhance your listening experience. It offers a large number of customization options and advanced features such as crossfading, equalizer settings, and visualizations. By installing Guayadeque on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora, you can enjoy all the benefits of this amazing music player on your Linux system.

Updated on: 23-Aug-2023


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